Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Galaxies

My friend Jeff sent me a disc last year with some new music that was kicking his ass. I quickly loaded it up into iTunes, and of course, it got lost among the thousands of hours of Ironing Board Sam rarities, James Booker sessions and live Todd Rundgren recordings. But I took a long train ride last week and clocked in a few hours of iPod time. That's when I heard "An Ocean Between Us," by The Galaxies, somewhere between Harrison and Secaucus. I am in love with The Galaxies.

It's power pop at its finest, with the obvious influences, of course. (Beatles, Hollies, etc.) "An Ocean Between Us," though, sounds to me like James Taylor fronting the Fountains Of Wayne, and the chorus, with the Four Seasons-like harmonies and melancholy lyrics, just smacked me upside the head.

Buy their record HERE

And take a listen to:




  1. I wish I could take credit. The Galaxies were mentioned to (in the same breath as another great band on that disk, The Goldbergs), by my friend Bill Barol. Hats off to him, although it would be interesting to learn how he found them. I think he's a Burning Woodite.

  2. Great post as usual today Sal.
    Burning Woodite? I'm a fan of this blog (been here since December 7, 2009)but i don't think that's the appropriate wording for us fans, how about Sal's nuts since we're right there early in the morning for an offering from the man who's turned us on to so much great music?

    Thomas D. Bemisderfer

  3. That "Ocean" song is absolutely fricking gorgeous, and I think you nailed it exactly, although I hear a little Crowded House, too.

    In any case, having just listened to it three times in a row, I feel like I've been poleaxed. Who ARE those guys, and where have they been all my life?

  4. Hmm, I suppose we could refer to Sal's fans as "woodies" but that might be taken the wrong way.

  5. Steve,

    I KNOOOOW!!!

    Seriously, I can't stop.

    Your fault, Jeff.

  6. I don't know .... I like the music but the lead singer sounds like the R.E.O. Speedwagon guy to me...

  7. Sal, sorry for the late comment. The Galaxies are really, really good. I downloaded the CD on Amazon for like $8.91, worth every penny. Can't get the songs out of my head. Another Home Run kid,thanks for the heads up, terrific!

  8. Ain't no time limit for comments, FD! Glad you like it and thanks.

    And Todd, I kinda heard a bit of Kevin Cronin, too. But, wasn't it his stupid hair, face, and songs that were annoying? His singing wasn't bad.

  9. OK, Sal, I'll give you that. It's just that R.E.O. was so ubiquitous in the Midwest when I was growing up...
