Wednesday, May 12, 2010

He Sang His Balls Off For You, Baby

There are few artists who could fuck with your emotions like Harry Nilsson. His brilliance could stop you in your tracks. He'd rip your heart or make you laugh until you plotzed.

Exhibits A & B: "Without You" and "You're Breaking My Heart.

You know the former. Are you familiar with the latter?

"You're breaking my heart/you're tearing it apart, so fuck you."

You ever hear Harry sing "Save The Last Dance For Me," from the grossly underappreciated, John Lennon produced "Pussy Cats?" Or "Sleep Late, My Lady Friend?" Sure, there are the bad records, which aren't really that bad at all. They just aren't "Aerial Ballet" or "Nilsson Schmilsson." I'm considering a Nilsson mix for Friday, but I need to get a better vibe, which at the moment could be filed under "luck pushing." (The gods have been kind thus far, blessing me with some sort of music blog immunity. I need a day to think about it.)

Until then, please enjoy two takes of "Take 54," from another favorite of mine, "Son Of Schmilsson," in which Harry "sings his balls off for you."




  1. Thank you for this reminder of the awesomeness of Harry Nilsson. I love, love, love "You're Breaking My Heart" - is there any love song more honest in the history of the world? I think not. For this and countless other genius ditties (put the lime in the coconut...) I salute him.

  2. The Phantom CreepMay 12, 2010 at 5:51 AM

    "You're Breaking My Heart" is a personal fave of mine as well.

    Thanks for this....

  3. Absolutely, go for the mix. One of the most under appreciated voices of all time. His output was so varied and so good. On top of it all was a great sense of humor typified by "You're Breaking My Heart".

  4. Hey Sal, I'm a huge Nilsson fan myself as you probably well know. I could send you a zip file of my stuff for your Nilsson mix for Friday. If you choose to use it that's fine, if not, that's cool too. But by all means, do a Harry mix.

  5. Sure FD. That'd be cool. Thanks!

  6. Another vote for a Nilsson mix. I find the records, the couple I know, maddeningly uneven. Would love a curated tour, pardon the mixed metaphor.


    Bruce Handy

    But doesn't "You're Breaking My Heart" wear thin after a few listens...?

  7. i say, "bring it on", sal...the man had some remarkable pipes...steven

  8. Actually Bruce, it never gets old for me. I may not laugh as hard anymore, but it still works.

  9. My taste leans to a preference for the Alternate Take, but both are quite good.

    Speaking of Mr. Nilsson, if you have ever listened to the Nilsson Sings The Beatles compilation, I'm sure you agree that the man has no equal as an interpreter of the Lennon/McCartney songbook.

  10. Sal,
    Is this " Bru Ha Ha " justified concerning next weeks re - release of " Exile On Main Street " by this group known as The Rolling Stones ?
