Friday, June 25, 2010

Bruce Springsteen & the E-Street Band: London Calling

Burning Wood does the work so you don't have to.

Here's an audio rip of the just released Hyde Park DVD.

The bad news is that you get "Outlaw Pete," "Bobby Jean," "Waitin' On A Sunny Day" and "Glory Days" all in one show.

The good news is...everything else!

Have a good weekend.





  1. you just made it a good weekend.
    many thanks.

  2. Yeah, extremely good week!! Thank you, thank you!

    Although, myself...I have a soft spot for "Outlaw Pete." Not a classic, by any means, but, like a lot of "Working on a Dream," it was a goofy little bit of pop fun.

    Of course, I feel about Springsteen the way you do about the Stones.

  3. mpjedi2,
    I feel about Bruce the way I feel about the Stones. And I am forever defending "Magic" and "WOAD." (just not Outlaw Pete.) ;)

  4. I can't imagine you'd have to defend "Magic." That is as close to a classic as I think we'll get in the latter end of Bruce's career. Just a powerful record. Even non-fans I know were telling me how much they loved it. (Of course, I think a lot of that was politics, too. "A bashing Bush record? I LOVE IT!!!")

    WOAD? I like it, a lot, but I admit it's a pretty slight record. A 60's pop throwback, IMHO. A record that was just about having fun with a band that was really, completely, back in sync with each other, from touring. The Beach Boys influence alone is obvious enough that I expected most people would "get it," but, alas.

    Outlaw WAY too long, and too one-note. I will unabashedly defend Queen of the Supermarket to anyone, however.

  5. I agree, thru and thru, though as good as "Queen..." is, the word "supermarket" should never be sung, unless it's in a jingle for Waldbaums.

  6. no supermarket?

  7. First off, thanks for the post. This is a great sounding live recording, the performances are excellent and the crowd is really into it (compare with the stoney silence of that Hammersmith Odeon CD from 75).

    After reading the comments one of the first things I did was listen to "Outlaw Pete". I'd never heard it before. Except for the Seeger Sessions LP, I don't even bother with new Bruce CDs. To me, they pale horribly in comparison to everything up to about Tunnel of Love.

    Of course, every album is going to have some decent cuts. The value of those tunes is they breathe life into the live show. No new tunes and you become a nostalgia act like the Beach Boys. And this guy obviously has a massively powerful live show.

    I agree with Sal "Outlaw Pete" is pretty much a dud, but "Working on a Dream", which I've also never heard, I liked a lot. And he managed to turn that into a bit of a showpiece. Live recordings, where you can piggyback with the classics and with wilder performances than on record and with more animated vocals, are pretty much the only context I'm interested in hearing any of the new songs. Plus he turns old ones upside down as well.

    It's a good recording. Well worth hearing. Even the new stuff.

  8. Wow, I just had a debate with a friend who proposed that "Queen of the Supermarket" is the worst song Bruce ever recorded. I think the tune has its charms, but then I also think "Working on a Dream" is pretty dire. To my ears, anyway.

    But what's all this I'm hearing about Bruce's post-88 albums all being lousy? Oh, man. I think "Magic" is right up there with his best, and the good moments on "The Rising" are incredibly good ("Lonesome Day," "Into the Fire," etc.). "Joad" is terrific, "Devils and Dust" has a scattering of great songs, and even "Working on a Dream" has "The Wrestler," which gives me chills, "The Last Carnival," ibid, and the aforementioned trip to the Whole Foods in Colt's Neck. The guy's an amazingly vital artist, and obviously a world-ending performer. Long live all of us.

  9. I use to fantasize about having written "Thunder Road." Now, I am fantasizing about having written--

    "and the aforementioned trip to the Whole Foods in Colt's Neck. "

  10. Hmm, maybe it's an issue with songs that have "Queen" in the title. I always thought that Mary Queen of Arkansas was the worst song Bruce ever wrote. Queen of the Supermarket though is a close second.

  11. What is it exactly? I mean, the melody is there. He sings it like he means it. It has to be the references to groceries and bagging. Still, I do like the song, and I do like WOAD.

    What I really want to know is, why do so many abhor "Surprise, Surprise?"

  12. "Surprise, Surprise" has charms for me. But, let's be honest, it sounds like something that the band at Showbiz Pizza would play to you. ;)

  13. Ouch! I just don't hear that. I mean, it isn't "Stolen Car," but it's got a great, Byrds feel to it and he really sings it well. Nothing wrong with a good pop tune occasionally.

  14. I actually mean that as a loving sort of jab. It does sound great, the music is gorgeous, but the REALLY straight-ahead "happy birthday" vibe of the lyrics just reminds me of that sort of thing. I tease because I love.

  15. Thanks for posting this Sal. The performance of 'Racing' is magnificent. I remember when I heard the boot of the Harley show in Milwaukee a few years ago and thinking that song could never be that perfect again. I may have been wrong.

  16. Thanks for the post. Though not an E Street Band release, I believe 'Man's Job' from Human Touch is the worst song Springsteen has put out - followed closely by 'Outlaw Pete' Thanks again for the concert rip.

    Chris F
    Cornelius, NC

  17. i'm not a big outlaw pete fan, but i can tolerate it. i hate queen of the supermarket. here's why: it's bruce in his worst signifying mode. the voice fraught, the lyrics forced, worked on but never worked out.

    i love bruce, have for decades, but everyone has some clunkers and, to me, bruce's cluunkers all have in common that signfiying seriousness when he nails a song, it's becuase he understands what he is getting at and the song persuades and hooks us; it has an appearance of organicity, though it is, of course, artifice. when he doesn't quite have the song or what he wants to say worked out---or worse wants to TELL US SOMETHING---he uses much more stitled language and he SLOWS IT DOWN to allow us to grasp the significance he is trying to impart. slow is not by any means always bad, but post-88, bruce does have a bad habit of telling us rather than showing us (compare most of nebraska which is very slow but with detail that feels real and inherent with tom joad which has too many statement details (though a handful of magnificent songs)). queen of the supermarket just drags---YOU WILL APPRECIATE THIS. i can't. i think he fails on that song, lyrically and vocally, as badly as he ever has. at least with mary queen of arkansas, formerly my least favorite, he had the excuse of being very young.

    other than queen and outlaw pete, i really like WOAD, and i agree that magic is absolutely brilliant. listen to how unforced the lyrics are on that album and how they are simultaneously clear and ambiguous. almost every song is both political and personal---it is not just a bash bush album (though it is that)---even last to die could be a song about a relationship, although a very bad relationship

  18. Big Bad,
    I like what you're saying and I don't completely disagree. My defense of *lesser* Bruce tunes such as "Supermarket," "Surprise, Surprise," and even the aforementioned "Man's Job," is that they sound good.

    It's the difference between the "Record Of The Year"and the "Song Of The Year" categories on the Grammys.

    No one would ever refer to "Da Dooo Ron Ron" as a great song, but man, what a great record.

    QOTS has all the problems you mentioned, the worst offense for me being the clumsy lyrics. But if Bruce handed me a demo of this song with scratch vocals featuring humming and la-las, I'd think, "This has a great melody. I love the build up and the strings, etc."

    It's not hall of fame material. I just think Bruce has a harder time getting away with respectable pop tunes because everyone is expecting "Racing In The Street" all the time.

  19. sal, that's a great point. i think i would like queen of the supermarket just fine with humming and las. i may be too hard on him sometimes. he got me through high school in the late 70s and made it seem as if a song or, especially, a concert could both reveal and sustain the world. hell, he gets me through now on many a day

  20. does anyone know how many people were at the London Calling concert?
