Thursday, April 9, 2009

All Messed Up And Ready To Go

It's been awhile since I've heard "Starry Eyes," the biggest hit by The Records, one of the better pop bands to come out of England in the seventies. But it was this opening cut from the album that I used to go back to more often. As a matter of fact, almost everything off their first two albums was damn good. Give me some hooks and harmonies, and I'm a friend for life.


steve simels said...

Jeebus, Sal, it's like you're reading my mail -- that's my favorite track on the album, too.

Love that clip, BTW...

cmealha said...

After having to sit through Flo Rida on American Idol last night, it's nice to be reminded of all the good music out there past and present, although, being the old fart that I am, it seems harder to find nowadays. Blogs like yours help in the search.
The Records were one of the best of that era and I probably haven't listened to them in 20 years. Thanks for the memory.

Anonymous said...

The Records were a great band , despite Huw Gower !