I'll make this no longer than a Ramones tune.
I'm done.
I gave Burning Wood the best I had, but readership has been down 50% in the last month, and I think I'm burning out on giving a lot for a small return. (See NYCD)
Site will be up until the end of the month, so please go in and grab all the music you can.
I want to thank all you who have supported the blog and interacted with me and other readers. But, zero to one comments on 90% percent of the dailies is just not incentive.
Listen to music.
Sorry to see you go, Sal. It was only in the past year or so that I started really reading your site in depth (and commenting when I had something to say...)
I only wish I had the gumption to start something similar, but there's not enough time in the day and I give props to those who give it a shot.
Keep on Rockin' in the Free World!
Sal, I am really sorry to see your blog go. Yours has been a site I've visited almost daily since stumbling on it a year ago, and I've enjoyed your combination of longtime musical savvy, honest appraisals of what isn't very good, and fevered fanship of the music you did love. I started visiting here because of the shared love for all things Todd Rundgren, but picked up a lot more as I went along -- esp your interest in New Orleans music and other forms of 60s pop & soul. (I've tended more towards 70s pop & soul so some of your posts were revelatory.)
Yours is also the only spot I got the Live From Daryl's House downloads, and choice Rundgren stuff that wasn't available anywhere else, like the recent Utopia reunion.
In short, I've really enjoyed the ride and I thank you. The music will still be cranked here at my house, and I trust it will at yours too.
God bless and all the best.
- Best tidings from the South
Now I feel like a real bum. I should have corresponded more. I REALLY liked the stories (and I am a pretty harsh critic in that area).
For personal reasons (unexplained to the world) I will say I always enjoyed that your first link was to Earbender.
Rock on.
Ace K.
P.S. I never got 10cc except for the two big U.S. non-novelty hits (I'm Not In Love and The Things We Do For Love).
Say it aint so, Sal. If lack of comments is one of the reasons for stopping the blog, I am sorry that I rarely left a comment. It was not because I didn't enjoy the blog - it is one of the few I read nearly every day. I just never felt like I had anything profound to add. Looking at your last 14 entries, each one has many comments....
I just told a friend about your blog on Sunday and hoped he would be a frequent reader also. Your love of the Q, and The Boss strarted me coming to the blog, but your excellent writings and recommendations kept me coming back.
Relax, take a break, and come back when it seems more bearable. Thank you for all the insights.
Your blog has been the only thing keeping me current on music. The corporate-push-the-latest stuff was never interesting, it's honestly hard to find new music for a dad of three and your insight always makes my daily sit-down at the computer a treat. Please reconsider. We're reading even if we're not chatting. I mean, do you really want to know just how many times I've listened to the Kit Kats since your October post? Thank you, Sal.
Thanks a lot for your great blog which always entertained, informed and extended my horizons.
Greatly appreciated and sorely missed.
hey thanks so much. I just looked at downloaded (i.e. purchased plus from other places) music from the last 2 years, and you have given me a lot of great stuff in addition to our swap of NOLA for some lps.
I'd also add that you have a sweeter ear (maybe its all that Todd) than the other critics I've followed for a lot longer and I appreciate the unappologetic promotion of quality pop and power pop here.
Also Thin Lizzy.
See you at Altercation maybe?
Tim in South Philly
say it ain't so
how about a less is more approach, just an occasional post or upload when your in the mood. I'll check every day just to see if there's any new burning wood. It doesn't have to be all or nothing at all (is that a springsteen song). think about it.
Dude...I read everyday and looked forward to whatever you posted (music, stories, reviews etc.) Loved the Tuesday Street Dates. Take a break but don't go away for good. You still have so much music knowledge to impart to the unwashed masses.
Where ever you go, know that it was worth doing...and I hope you do it again.
All I can say is that you've turned me on to much great music over the years. On the other hand, I know you've been doing this as a a labor of love and no compensation. Which is difficult. I agree with an earlier comment...I hope you still post on occasion. Nothing but great thoughts for you....you have been more than giving.
Followed this blog in RSS, commented a couple of times anonymously- when I had something to say. Sorry I guess for not chiming in to say "thanks" a lot more - I sure did download almost everything you posted! And enjoyed it!
Maybe it's just selfishness- I don't have any interest in reading a string of comments that just say "thanks!", so if that's all I had to say then I wd say nothing. But I didn't think that you cared! It's obvious from reading this that there are a buncha people you know in real life who read it and comment, so what's the point of my little "me too?"
I don't know, but hey, again, thanks about a 100x for all the music, and the music stories, and let me add my little 'me too' to the people who say "hey post when you feel like it!" Your blog will be in my rss, so if you decide to post something a year from now it'll pop right up, like an old friend who doesn't even know I know him.
Thank you sir!
Sal,what can I say...
Since I found your blog by accident, to check and see what you post has been my daily routine. I like your blog not only the music of your choice but your writings/stories. Not so many music blogs are interesting to read. I know I should have written more comments/feedback.
If you consider to come back again, it will be more than great.
But if not, still I thank you for giving us the reasons why we listen and care about the music we grew up with.
Rock on!
Well, if your decision is permanent, you should be congratulated on a job well done.
Don't do it man! I love your blog. I read it every day. I don't comment because, well, people comment too damn much sometimes when they should just sit back and enjoy what was written.
If you feel it's too much then I can understand that. I'm sure it takes a lot of energy to come up with a good post but don't do it because of a lack of comments.
It's not easy to find a kindred spirit who takes the time to write and offer up what you do. I have checked out a lot of music that I otherwise wouldn't have if not for this blog, as I'm sure was your intention. It has made a difference to me.
If this is to be the end then know that you will be missed. Peace and happiness.
PS I especially loved the Radiohead post and aftermath. You were right on.
soooooooooooo saddddddddd! i've been a silent follower and check in everyday to read your blog! thanks for sharing so much awesome music and keeping it real. lots of high fives from san francisco!!!
This is sad news. Blogs are 10 a penny, but well written, insightful and funny ones are as rare as non-partisan Radiohead fans. A couple of commenters have mentioned the 'less-is-more' approach and that may be the way to go.
As for the comments thing - personally speaking, I think it's nice to get a reaction, but the citizens of the InterWeb ain't always polite and 'please' and 'thank you' don't get said anywhere near often enough. That doesn't mean your work isn't appreciated. For me, it's the act of writing and looking back at a well tooled turn of phrase that excites me. As Oscar Wilde said 'All Art is quite useless...' And as Todd said, 'There's always more...'
Love, Light and Peace.
To read this post is like getting the notification that someone special will no longer be around. It is very sad news for me, as someone who had Burning Wood bookmarked and read it everyday.
I can completely empathise with your decision, however. Unless someone has the financial freedom to spend the hours in front of the keyboard to write, upload and, hardest of all, think of something meaningful to write about EVERY FREAKIN DAY, posting a blog of your caliber is hard, hard work. Not being compensated for it financially can be written off by the rush of the positive feedback. When that no longer becomes satisfying, well….as you have so succinctly put, "I think I'm burning out on giving a lot for a small return." Your decision is probably the logical outcome.
Like the other loyal fans have indicated, I too will miss your incredibly insightful and passionate rants and raves about this addiction called popular music. Though I have babbled my share on the comments page, I have come away from this adventure learning how deep this reservoir of music is and realizing how little I know about it. Burning Wood and you, especially, have taught me so much. In addition, you have given me gifts that have become favorites on the iPod shuffle and some I thought I would never hear.
I know the frustration you feel and the sense of WTF am I doing this for? From experience, it may pass and you'll come back enthusiastic with a fresh outlook. Or not. It happens. Que sera, sera.
Most importantly, you and I have become friends. Friends in all the ways that define the word. Burning Wood and Inte Bulle come and go. God only knows the interwebby is full of them.
I would hate to think that I would not be able to pick up the e-mail machine and say, "Hey, Sal, how ya doin'?"
I can't believe you're going. I just want to reinforce what a previous commenter said. You keep me current and remind me of my past. I don't have the time to find out what is good out there. I read almost every day and should comment far more. What can we do to make you stay on line?
Sad to see us both go in the past 24 hours and we leave the blogging world to the next wave who will probably end up as we both feel.
We'll keep in touch more regularly now without the blog beast to feed.
Take care my good friend.
I just discovered this blog a month ago. If you feel you must go, then godspeed. If you feel like sticking around, all the better. Thanks for what you've done.
I'm sorry.
Sal: Dang.
Now I wish I'd found your blog sooner and posted comments (no matter how vacuous) more often.
I was directed to your blog by a Web acquaintance, as a rare exception to the distressing practice of other bloggers, to use All Music Guide reviews without crediting the reviewer. Here, she said, is one of your AMG reviews that is actually attributed to you. It's not that *any* of my writing is that noteworthy, but it's a nice gesture.
To find a blogger whose musical tastes and sensibilities are so nearly in line with my own is a rare treat; when the writing is so insightful, it's an absolute blessing.
And when he provides the opportunity to actually *hear* music that had existed for me only in whispered rumors (or fevered imagination) -- I mean Ian Hunter and Todd Rundgren, together? -- are you kidding me? -- that's truly exceptional.
Although I don't post music, I can appreciate the frustration you must be experiencing, Sal, at having such a poor comment response. (Your comment on my blog is one of a handful all year that isn't spam.)
As a frequent recent visitor, I can only say, thank you and I'll miss what you've done here.
adding my voice to the chorus, although i have nothing original to say here.
i know how much it takes to produce this great stuff daily, and i'm sure you can find other uses for your time.
abandoning the daily grind for a more serendipitous approach sounds plausible. i'd jump to sign up for a list that would notify me when you post. and knowing you, it's hard to imagine that you won't occasionally get a burning urge to declare your love or disgust or whatever. so i'm hoping to continue seeing your music, and also your writing (the memoirs have been terrific) on a fairly regular if not daily basis.
we love you, sal. you have brought many hours of first-rate music into my house. i promote you whenever i get the chance. And of course you're the only one who knows when it's time to move on.
we'll be here, and i can't wait to see what you do next.
Sad to see it go Sal. I enjoyed reading it - I agreed, disagreed, laughed (but never cried) and learned a lot.
Like others, I never commented, but was a religious reader.
Take a week off and then reconsider. Hope you change your mind
Sorry to see Burning Wood go Sal as it was one of the best parts of my day. Still my sadness must be balanced with understanding. Every blessing in what you do next. It has been great journeying with you.
Best wishes from Belfast Northern Ireland
Don't do it, Sal.
This was always my first click of the morning, or afternoon if I slept late, and I added it as a bookmark on my iphone so I could check it on the road. I know it can be tiring, but I think it's an unnecessary mistake to quit, especially because of comments. Comments are not a fair measure of enjoyment. I read Rolling Stone for 30 years without writing a letter. Stick with it, Sal. We need ya. (Also, Anything Should Happen guy, I meant to go back to your great blog, too )
Thanks for what you've done and all the best to you.
And like you said, enjoy music!
What everybody else already said.
Although I'd be lying if I didn't add "I know the feeling."
so i wake up turn the heater on in the living room, click the mouse, check the inbox, check the front page of the times, check burning wood to see if you've posted yet, on to deomonoid and then ash, zinhof etc. get up make some coffee and repeat cycle. eventually i shower and get dressed and join the real world. If you and ash both disappear I'm gonna have to join the real world sooner. Do you really want to see that happen to me.
Sal I'm sure therea re a few of us who just found you in thelast month or so I find your blog fascinating and i am sure there are a ton of ppl out there that haven't found it yet ...reconsider ....I read a little almost every day...and always find something interesting enough to make me want to come back...
like many others, i checked your site out every day. i haven't commented as much the past few months, largely cause you nail so many things so well with your takes---there's nothing to add.
maybe come back after a break, sal, or do it once or twice a week. we need you, for your insights, not free music. hell, i'm an old fart and i don't download the stuff. i just like to listen and learn.
Hey, to all you weepy readers sending out your condolences. Get A Life!! There are a million music blogs out there. No one blog is that special.
The Big Music Guru Almighty Sal has stepped down, deal with it. Not enough return has defeated him, boo hoo. Too much expectation, the world doesn't always turn the way you want it to. What goes around comes around.
I may not comment, since I'm not sure I really have anything extra to add, but I do read you every day. Sorry to see you go, but if it's best for you, then that is what you need to do. However as someone else said, if you were to only post occasionally I would definitely to sign up to a list.
Thanks for all the good work!
ok my third post but this one's to the one whiney negative guy. really a question why is it that the assholes (ok I'll be polite) people with differing negative opinions tend to always post anonymously and not stand up for what they say. just wondering. oh and response to his get a life comment.....get some balls
I think you know I'm in the "do whatcha gotta do" camp. I've really enjoyed your posts over the past year and a bit, I've learned a VAST amount from you. Best of luck in your next/other endeavor!
Certainly didn't see this coming. (I just reread Monday's post about BW "returning to regularly scheduled programming." What happened in the interim?)
I hope you'll reconsider... maybe once or twice a week? And if you don't have the time and energy for a mix, it's OK. Your "What I'm Listening To Now" list is a post all by itself. Post your favorite lasagna recipe or something.
And I'd also be willing to add to the tip jar for the concert downloads... anyone else with me?
But of course this is your call, Sal. And if this is really the end, many thanks for all of it. Hope to see you around the outer boroughs.
I don't know, Sal, but I'd say if the reasons noted in your closing post (stastically lower readership and lack of respones) are your main reasons for writing this blog, you should hang it up. Not saying that in a negative way. But it's obvious that after this outpouring of (mostly) positive sentiment, you will go through more periods of dissatisfaction, whether you're writing a blog, a novel, or whatever. You will feel this way again. And again. And again.
But if you change your mind and choose to continue (which, as you can see, people want this), I do have some advice. Most importantly, pay zero attention to blog stats and comments. If you're writing from a good, secure place, neither is relevant. Hopefully, the real reason why you write is because you love music and want to share that passion and knowledge with others.
I don't want to hear about how much work and time this is for you. Anything worth doing takes a lot of time and effort. The reward is doing it right and fully expressing yourself. Which you have been doing often enough for me to check in a few times a week to see what you're up to. Not sorry about comments -- sometimes I'll put forth, but most times I'm either just too busy with my own stuff or just not inclined. Most adults are like this! Again, comments are ultimately meaningless in all this.
When I sit down to write, I feel like I'm strapping myself into a very fast car and flooring it towards a wall of state troopers on the highway. Not worried about repercussions. Or who isn't paying attention. Or how many. Or whether they like me or not. The goal is to keep on driving. And it always seems to keep happening, even if I'm powering the car with my feet like Fred Flinstone at times.
Or, you could make like most con artist music bloggers: write like shit, but load your site with so much free music that traffic goes through the roof while no one reads anything on the site.
Will be sorry to see you go, Sal, but I'm sure I'll see you around the neighborhood.
Hey soundsource, I wasn't whining you asshole and I have more balls than you'll ever have. Just stating facts. I choose not to divulge my identity for my own reasons which you know nothing about.
When your whole life revolves around one blog to get your day going, there's got to be something wrong with you, which there probably is.
And, Go Fuck Yourself!!
Ditto to most of the other comments. I still have your sellingwood site bookmarked, and I check that occasionally, thinking you may resurrect it.
Well Kid, you had a good run. Every now and then you need to look back and see what was and what could have been. If it's time to hang up your cleats, so be it. (Fred Stanley and Fred Patek; I'm still laughing)
Without this blog, my playlist would be about half its current size and my appreciation for Todd would be non-existent.
Labors of love are tough to follow through endlessly. Nobody can fault your decision. Stay well my friend.
P.S. If anymore of those record riots happen, let me know. This weekend was impossible for me to get out. I love going back to Brooklyn whenever possible, even if it is in hipster town.
To the whiney negative guy--obviously Sal's blog is special enough for YOU to read.
To my music guru--don't go! As you can see, not everyone who reads leaves comments, but they are reading, and look at what is going to happen to Soundsource if you go! Do you really want to be responsible for that?
Please reconsider; at the very, very least, post less regularly, if that will help.
I only found your blog last year and I'm a lurker. But, thanks for the stuff I've found here and your tasteful pushing of some oldies and goodies (Delbert McClinton, Clapton with Allman Brothers, etc.). I think that most blogging has to be its own reward or you'll drive yourself crazy looking for some kind of affirmation. By all means, put up a tip jar on worthy downloads, and get off the hamster wheel of posting everyday. How about a 3x a week thing (new music tuesdays, weekend mix, and anything else you want, time permitting). You could also look at adding ads to make the blofg more self sufficient. Keep your sanity. Cheers
Michael D.
I take it Anonymous is a Radiohead fan then?
There are indeed a million blogs out there, most of them crap.
Some of the best blogs around have gone in the past 12 months, through the owner packing it in or being taken down.
Three great blogs including my own have called it a day this week, another threatened too earlier this month and now Sal.
Sal and I are friends, we decided coincidentally to call it a day within 24 hours of each other without mentioning it to one another.
Thin skinned? Want to be thanked all the time? Not at all!!!!
It felt like people were just losing interest, we were shouting about great music to an empty hall and that our limited available computer time was spent more with angsty emailers than to be able to celebrate great artists.
There are a million bloggers out there, but there isn't another Burning Wood.
Thanks soundsource.
I got your email too and appreciate that. I'm not replying to the ASH blog posts as it looks as though I'm attention seeking.
I will reply to your email though, but need a day to read it ha.
I think Steve's comments sum it all up and he is someone I would always listen to.
My last comments on the matter is that you don't know what you've got until you lose it.
Burning Wood was superb, people get on with their lives, but there will be nothing able to replace it.
Sal, I'm as bummed to read this as I was to hear NYCD was closing. You've been a part of my musical life for at least 15 years now--I couldn't even begin to count the number of bands/albums you (and formerly Tony) turned me onto over that period. I still love The Bees!
Thanks for all this. I hope you reconsider, or at least let your mailing list know when and if you're writing elsewhere, like Huffpost.
Bruce H.
I feel sick. I'm with bglobe313, I also fell guilty. I've gotten a ton out of this blog, free music, good recommendations, fun and interesting reading, but I've only posted a couple of times and never donated.
I feel as though I have only myself to blame.
We'll miss you, Sal
I'll chime in with everyone in saying that this blog has been a treasure to read & learn about new music, old music, and a bit of everything in between. I have found myself amazed at times when I see how much of the same music we love - - Bruce, NOLA, the Q, great old soul & R&B records, Utopia (tho to be honest I really only like their poppy stuff, not so much the prog), and on & on. I have enjoyed the CDs I picked up from your brief online venture as well.
I'm truly sorry to see all this go. Wish you well in everything, and always remember that life is too short for crappy music.
Um, ditto?
I've learned a lot here, discovered some new artists, and had fun. Thanks.
Not sure how this blogger stuff works, but I'm going to go back to your Want List post to offer up something on the list I just remembered I have...
Thanks for all the great stuff, Sal...you are a great spirit and I stopped by every day. Let us know if you ever return to Blogistan. Stop by my place once in a while, I get fewer comments than you!
Ok this is probably one post to many but it dawned on me if falling readership and lack of response is the problem I think I've got a solution. Alternating weekly columns trashing radiohead and canceling the blog mixed in with all the other stuff, what do you think.
Oh man - this is bad news! Really sorry to see you go. I check in 3 or 4 times a week (you're on my favourites bar) to see what you've added/reviewed/recommended.I've found so much great stuff on here. I'm another guilty reader who hasn't posted a comment before. Hope that maybe - as another reader suggests - you might possibly take a break and come back at a later date. Take care and hope to see you back one day....thanks for all the rare stuff...
With my housekeeper here today, I was out of the house and away from my computer for much of the day. I did receive a text message from my son, Dave, who, as you and I agree, is the future of rock and roll. Dave reads your blog daily, though he seldom, if ever leaves comments. His message to me: can't believe it why is sal ending burning wood" And that is how I found out. Of course I couldn't answer him--not only because I don't know how to send a text message, but also because I didn't have an answer. Now, I just want to say thanks, to you, for providing my son with a musical education that he will likely retain and appreciate for a long time to come. As for you and me, we'll still be friends--we can still share some opinions, some laughs, a few beers...maybe do another record show, or play some music again, who knows--so I won't say I'll miss you, but I will tell you that you've got a talent to write and a need to express yourself--I hope you find a place to channel it.
One other option I think you could consider (all things being equal) is to make "Burning Wood" a group blog with other contributors(front pages), sort of like a BalloonJuice but with a music/media spin/concentration. I think this may help with the blog/work/life balance and also add some different takes on musical taste, interests, and genres to the BW audience.
With some ad income, you might actually be able to make the site self-supporting if not a little bit profitable.
Thanks for your work on BW whatever you decide. I've downloaded a bunch today just in case.
Michael D.
Waaah. You will be missed.
It feels like I just heard a friend is moving out of town. I know life will go on and all, but I'm still saddened by the loss and I'll miss the interesting stories and music you brought to my day. First, let me say thank you and wish you the best whatever decision you come to. I hope you'll reconsider the complete shut down and come back to us at least from time to time.
I strated reading because of your reviews of the Springsteen tour a few years back but I've stayed because your love of music is infectious and through you I've learned about a number of artists I'd never heard of. I've come to rely on your reviews the same way I do with Ebert's movie reviews; knowing generally where our tastes coincide and where I'm never going to see it the same way and, most importantly, when I can rely on your opinion and take a chance on something unfamiliar.
Like most commenters today, I only commented once or twice but read and enjoyed your posts constantly. This may be a problem only I had, but if your readership is down in the last month, it might be the length of time it took to download the site with the new graphics. The white on black change you made quite a while ago was slow enough, but the new one often caused me to just give up. So I went from being a daily reader to a few times a week when I'd catch up on prior posts. No one else has mentioned this, so I may be off base.
Bottom line - I'll miss you. Thanks for the past few years!
Wow Sal! This is the most comments you've ever had. A Burning Wood triumph and tribute, and you're not even dead. Having a blog doesn't pay the bills. Now for the shock of facing the real world, if you can. Good luck, it's a jungle out there.
The light of rock just got a little dimmer...
I was also a regular reader, but not a regular poster. I have always enjoyed and your vast knowledge love & commitment to music.
Sorry to see ya go. It's a similar feeling to seeing my old cd & record store haunts closing.
We need more educated music lovers like yourself to keep the fire burning.
Thanks for all you've done Sal. You will be missed.
I started reading your stuff on Alterman years ago. I lost track of Eric but I kept up here. You have the touch and I hope you don't lose it.
Hey, everyone, you should have commented like this before the farewell post. Sal would still be in business.
I feel sorry for all you Burning Wood souls.
Regular reader, intermittent commenter. As many have said, do what you gotta do. I liked your blog a lot because your personality came through here. It was a curated site, and you offered up music that you personally liked. It's what radio should be but never is--a reflection of what the DJ likes, not what the programmer likes.
I'm sorry to see you go and hope you will reconsider, but if you don't, I'll always have your fantastic playlists--Out With the Old has a permanent home on my player.
Sal: This truly saddens me, but that having been said I'm more concerned about you. How can you not let the rest of us know how you feel about the current offerings and the nuggets from the past you dig up?
this is a wonderful blog, well written with a distinct POV. our loss.
thanks for the ride. it has been well worth it, imho
a fan
Sal, just pretend you're on the "injured reserve list", come back, we deserve you.
@William repsher: u ever have a paying writing gig with a legitimate audience? ur comments about sal's commitment to writing is an insult.
Wood is a bookmark on all my computers and phone...
Sal is a true nyc cat who knows the better days were the yesterdays of our youth, but is self deprecating enough to to not live in the past...
we've talked plenty/corresponded mightily and actually hung out in real life for a NOLA night of music.....
I will miss him here, but am lucky enough to have access to his brain in real life...
adieu, sweet prince!!
Like all the rest of these "real" music lovers,i too will have a giant hole in my heart at the end of the day when i won't click on Burning Wood and find that honest review, great zip files that all your readers live for:I feel absolutely rotten that i never wrote and just thought you'd be doin this forever;It feels just like the time when NYCD closed its doors;like another gem has faded away! Reconsider Sal!!! you gotta a lot of people out here in "musicland" that love what you do! Don't ever forget that! If its true that we won't have your insight and passion anymore to share at least there should be a Burning Wood reunion at the next "Stomp"!! I'll keep in touch somehow STU
Like all the rest of these "real" music lovers,i too will have a giant hole in my heart at the end of the day when i won't click on Burning Wood and find that honest review, great zip files that all your readers live for:I feel absolutely rotten that i never wrote and just thought you'd be doin this forever;It feels just like the time when NYCD closed its doors;like another gem has faded away! Reconsider Sal!!! you gotta a lot of people out here in "musicland" that love what you do! Don't ever forget that! If its true that we won't have your insight and passion anymore to share at least there should be a Burning Wood reunion at the next "Stomp"!! I'll keep in touch somehow STU
Sal....why kill the actual blog? Why not leave it online for people to enjoy what you've created up to this point.
Also, I don't think anybody can realistically expect daily posts. As a blogger myself, I go through periods where I'm doing other things/other writing for other people/sites and when that happens, things get a bit quiet.
Ultimately, I do mine for fun and the good thoughts and emails that come back as a result of it make it worthwhile.
But I can understand just wanting to move on too.
Best - Matt
Eric, there were roughly three years of my life where I supported myself solely through writing gigs, and countless freelance pieces along the way. I know what I'm talking about when it comes to writing and why people write. Could easily get back into hustling freelance pieces at any time ... but have done that and know the grind. I don't mean to insult Sal at all. Just pointing out that if you're in it for the numbers or attention, they will come and go, so you can't count on any of them for why you do what you do. I'd tell him the same thing if he was a good musician playing clubs instead of thousand-seat halls. If you're driven by anything other than your will to express yourself, sooner or later, you will stop expressing yourself.
Sal, I've always loved your mixes but I've had a real problem leaving comments on your blog. As a matter of fact, I've left comments for you on don's blog. I'm really glad you've decided to stay. Yours' is a great resource for people who like music and like to be exposed to new music.
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