Tuesday, October 18, 2016


Fiddling about on YouTube while I sipped my coffee this morning, I found this. I had no idea it existed. It is the first time I am seeing it and I admit, it got to me. The fabulous Posies, performing at my shop just a few months before we closed for good. What a day that was. And what an unexpected flood of memories, both amazing and horrible, to begin my Tuesday.


whattawino said...

What a beautiful moment that was....and it's captured forevah! R.I.P. NYCD.

Anonymous said...

Five part video!

did anybody do Beatle harmonies before the Beatles?

kevin m said...

Sal - if memory serves me correctly, you had signs posted at the store promoting the appearance a couple of weeks in advance. I remember thinking I had to go. And now, for the life of me, I can't remember why I couldn't attend.