Thursday, April 18, 2024



  1. Fantastic!

    No-Hit Bill

  2. Hell yeah, he sold like ten million copies of that song. Insane. Even Elvis dug it.

    I've always kind of felt sorry for Allen Funt, living with that rhyme his whole life. You have to think he heard it a lot. I wouldn't be able to resist. Hey Funt, you....

  3. Good lawd, my tshirt is ruined, because I read that while I had a mouthfull of coffee.

  4. The best laugh i have had in along time!!!!!!!!!

  5. Right on!

    - Paul in DK

  6. Yep, I would do this as well.

  7. hahahaha. I would say being a "one-hit wonder" is not dismissive in my mind, just descriptive. It's a WONDER! Indeed, having a single hit on the charts is very cool. Bless Carl Douglas. He had the goofiness to call the album "Kung Fu Fighting and Other Great Love Songs." And he was a two hit wonder. Hit the top 10 of the r& b charts with his follow-up, "Dance The Kung Fu."
