Friday, May 31, 2024

I Do Care About The I Don't Cares



Thanks to some aimless scrolling through social media, I only just found out that Paul Westerberg and Juliana Hatfield released an album in 2016 under the moniker The I Don't Cares. I kept thinking, "How could I miss this?" Then I figured it out. I wasn't a fan of or paid any attention to Juliana Hatfield until her Olivia Newton-John and ELO covers records. And though I consider myself a Replacements fanatic, Westerberg's solo work had been pretty awful after the brilliant "14 Songs" in 1993. Then he fell off the face of the Earth completely.

Still, I was somewhat excited about listening to "Wild Stab" and it did not disappoint.

If I was the last to get this memo, then apologies for the old news. But if like me, this collaboration is new to you, you should check it out, toot sweet. If you are fan of "14 Songs," "Wild Stab" plays like the perfect follow-up.



hpunch said...

Juliana Hatfield also made an album with the guy from Nada Surf around the same time under the name Minor Alps. I like it better than Nada Surf. Perhaps her best work is helping others create their best work.

Anonymous said...

A few weeks after David Bowie died, I went shopping at Amoeba to pick up a hard copy of his last album. They played the I Don't Cares album in store while I was shopping. Sold.


Anonymous said...

i like this a lot thanks! best band name ever as well and the album cover is great. as bob would say " i used to care but ... things have changed"

Michael Giltz said...

Sorry, I don't care.

Kidding! Totally off my radar too. Thx

Bill said...

News to me too--thanks for shining the Burning Wood spotlight on it. Will dial it up right after listening to the new Richard Thompson album.

Yay Friday!

Anonymous said...

That album is a winner!

- Paul in DK

Shriner said...

Maybe this will give you a reevaluation of some of Juliana's great solo work now. (I'm a solid fan, but I think her albums tend to go in this order: good, great, meh (and then repeat that cycle). She does have some *great* albums as far as I'm concerned and a lot of "good" albums, but unfortunately a (small) number of albums that are only for the hardcore fan.

And, yes, the Minor Alps album is also very, very good (but I'm a big Nada Surf fan, too...)

Sal Nunziato said...

In the wake of the tribute records, I did listen to some of her records. "Beautiful Creature" left me cold and I only lasted three songs on "How To Walk Away." What do you suggest?

Anonymous said...

Not familiar with Hatfield, but I'm always ready for some good Westerberg stuff, and this certainly sounds like that!


Shriner said...

Here are my favorite JH records from various points in her career.

The 1-2 intro punch of "Hey Babe" and "Become What You Are"

"In Exile Deo" -- one of my mid-career favorites

"Pussycat" -- an angry post-election collection of songs that are some of her strongest in a while that came out before the tribute albums started up

("Only Everything" -- with the big "Universal Heartbeat" single -- is actually not one of my favorites...)

If these don't work for you, then none of the others probably would either. That said, I would have added "Beautiful Creature" here, but you didn't like that.,. And I certainly get that her occasional wispy voice doesn't appeal to everybody. But I think her interesting approach to song structure and use of a lot of non-standard chording really stands out to me.)

Anonymous said...

I'll add the Blake Babies' "Sunburn" to Shiner's list -

steve simels said...

Sweet jeebus -- that is absolutely fabulous stuff. Why was I not informed previously?

ken49 said...

What a week! Discovering I Don't Cares, a new Paul Weller, Richard Thompson and Crowded House. Does it get any better than that.

jonder said...

I believe it's one of the last things that Paul Westerberg has released, which is sad. He mentioned in one or two interviews that he had written "Born For Me" for Juliana, and I don't think the feeling was reciprocated.

Stephen said...


Noam said...

I've generally felt he hovers near the Mendoza Line in terms of songwriting,b ut this you can't help but like. Should probably revisit those Mats albums. This is a pretty great tune.

Jobe said...

Sal, Westerberg's solo work has been pretty awful after 14 Songs,really? Eventually (IMO) blows 14 Songs off the map. Come Feel Me Tremble, Stereo/Mono these are right up there with 14 songs. May I suggest you listen again. Outta My System is GREAT

Sal Nunziato said...

Sorry Jobe.
I've revisited and revisited. I don't agree.
I always say my three fave Replacements records are "Boink!!," "Bash & Pop- Friday Night" and "14 Songs." Of course I am not completely serious, but I think PW shot his load on "14 Songs." "Eventually" has its moments, but it always felt like a b-version of "14 Songs" to me. There might be some great songs on "Tremble" and "Stereo/Mono," but I find all of it really inconsistent.

Jobe said...

OK since we don't agree and due to the times we live in today, does this mean I have to hate you?

Sal Nunziato said...

It goes without saying.

jonder said...

Let's take sides and record some diss tracks, or carry tiki torches and block traffic. Jobe and I can form a team with matching flannel shirts called the "Proud of Paul Boys". Or maybe the Trouble Boys. Come feel us get ready to rumble!

Noel M said...

One of a long list of examples of a super cool sounding record I'd have no idea about other than this one blog. Score!!

I'm that unusual music fan, perhaps, who is more of a Juliana Hatfield fan than Westerberg - yea I said it - based on my love of The Blake Babies, and her first couple of solo records esp Become What You Are; and her involvement with The Lemonheads' prime period.

I interviewed Juliana for an Atlanta music publication during her Become What You Are tour and it was a cool experience that has stuck with me ... partly for being one of the relatively few in person ones I did (many were by telephone, not as cool).

She told me Dinosaur Jr's "You're Living All Over Me" was her favorite album ever, which I've always found cool. She's a tiny person, looks like she may be like 100 pounds or something, but powerful persona and cool guitarist.

Noel M said...

^^^ maybe I shoulda used the word cool another 30, 40 times for good measure. Sheesh!