Friday, June 14, 2024

Four Stars For "One Hand Clapping"


I know I've had bootlegs over the years. And I know some of the tracks had been released officially on deluxe editions of McCartney CD reissues. But I honestly don't think I ever heard "One Hand Clapping." Something about it never appealed to me. Was it a concert? Were they alternate versions? Why is "Let it Be" only 1:04? Do I need to hear "Blue Moon Of Kentucky" and "Baby Face" again?

Well, "One Hand Clapping" is out officially in all its remastered glory and I am loving it. I can't believe I ignored this for all these years.

Wings performed live over a few days at Abbey Road Studios in August of 1974 for a proposed "rockumentary" and accompanying live album, neither of which got an official release until the film appeared in the 2010 "Band On The Run" boxed set.

The bottom line? This is a fantastic set of music. The band rocks. The band is loose. It is not flawless which makes it all the more appealing. Wings sounds like a band and not just guys backing a Beatle. And the set list works because it isn't basic. Almost all of the songs will be familiar to you, but almost all of the arrangements are different enough to keep you on your toes.


Troy said...

Looking forward to checking this out!

steve simels said...

Well, that sounds interesting.

Noel M said...

I've known the boot for years, but had no idea it's out officially.

And I would have passed on it if not for your review ... the boot never grabbed me either.

Love the two clips you shared ... and it's also interesting seeing Paul's face in the video. He had way more stress going on at that time than his "thumbs up happyface" persona would imply ... depression after the Beatles ended, mixed feelings about having to sue his bandmates to get rid of Allan Klein, criticism over Linda's musical abilities, being a new dad, etc.

Michael Giltz said...

Damnit! I was just about to lay odds on which you'd cover first: this or the new John Cale. I lost my bet.

Anonymous said...

Like Noel, I've had this a while, but I like rawer versions of a lot of the stuff I already like in their more polished versions*, so I'm curious to hear this official, remastered version (when I'm not at work, where I can't play your featured clips).
*In fact, the vast majority of my McCartney, Springsteen and Bowie are boots of alt/demo/live versions.
C in California

pmac said...

It popped up in new releases on my Tdal account, and I was wondering what this was about. Had a bootleg copy, but the sound quality was terrible. Looking forward to hearing the improved sound.

Christine said...

Listened to the whole thing a few times - so nice to hear the crisp, clear sounds of all the intruments. I love how Paul looks approvingly and proudly at Linda while she plays! Although the keyboards sound a little screechy to me. I'm sure that's the way they're supposed to sound, but you know me! ;)

buzzbabyjesus said...

I downloaded a version this from somewhere several years ago. The playlist is the same. It purported being filmed rehearsals for a tour that didn't end up happening. I came close to making a Weekend Mix out of it.

wardo said...

The film was included on 2010's Band On The Run reissue, and is pretty grainy. This doesn't include any of the dialogue, which helps a lot. and sounds terrific. They were a great little band. (Full review coming soon.)

Sal Nunziato said...


Yes, I mention that it was included in the 2010 BOTR reissue in the post. But I only bought the LPs. I passed on any deluxe edition.Do you know if the film was upgraded and reissued for this new set? Or is it the same grainy footage from the 2010 set?

wardo said...

@sal -- sorry, I missed that. Read your post, listened to the album, then commented.

This release is strictly audio, save for the videos they've been trickling out.

Mr. Baez said...

I'm digging this collection. Had bootlegs of this stuff but nice to hear it clean. Macca, the gift that keeps on giving.

M_Sharp said...

It's an excellent set of tunes, and it has a very relaxed feel to it, like they're warming up for some "serious" recording, and I'm just hanging out in the studio digging it.