Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Robert Palmer's Forgotten Swan Song


In May of 2003, Robert Palmer released his last solo album, a record inspired by Robert Johnson, the south and blues in general titled "Drive." As a long time fan and someone who has followed Palmer since he won me over with his debut "Sneakin' Sally Through The Alley," I can't say I remember a thing about "Drive," other than its one single "Dr. Zhivago's Train," which is not a blues recording. In general, I am not a fan of modern blues. I prefer acoustic country blues in the style of Mance Lipscomb or Reverend Gary Davis over electric blues like Robert Cray and Tab Benoit. Give me "You Got The Silver" and "Prodigal Son" over "Midnight Rambler" anyday. So it's possible that once I saw the tracklist on "Drive," which features covers of ZZ Top and Keb' Mo', I just didn't bother. But apparently, "Drive" received some critical acclaim and within four months of its release, Palmer was dead from a heart attack.

Cut to yesterday, as I am scrolling through iTunes looking for a song, I see "Drive" in its entirety and decided to give it a listen 20 years after the fact. I should have known better than to think Robert Palmer couldn't pull off a record like this.

It is sparse and funky. It grooves the way Palmer tends to groove. His vocal phrasing, as always, is his and his alone. And, it even has a touch of the Carribean that Palmer loved so much. Some half-assed digging turned up a few raves, as well. Even a few YouTube comments said things like "His last and his best!"

I don't know if it's his best, but after two spins, one yesterday and one this morning, "Drive" is hardly the throwaway I had been thinking it was all this time. This is one fun record.


Cmealhs said...

He was such an innovative artist and is sorely missed. It may not be his best but there is enough in "Drive" to make me miss him even more.

Cleveland Jeff said...

What a great artist, and a consistently strong live show, too. Drive was one of several divergent outings for Palmer, and he did a surprisingly good job with his take on the blues. More of a blues record for Robert Palmer fans than a Robert Palmer record for blues fans. I've done a bit of blogging on Palmer myself, including a career overview:


Sal Nunziato said...

@Cleveland Jeff,
Thanks for the reminder about the "Woke Up Laughing" comp. What a great collection!

Cleveland Jeff said...

While rerecorded or remixed music is often non-essential, or even indistinguishable from the originals, no one does a better job of improving previous recordings of their own material better than Palmer. The Addictions collections and Woke Up Laughing comp make a strong case for this.

steve simels said...

My college band actually opened for Dada, the sort of prog-blues band fronted by Robert Palmer and the underrated Elkie Brooks. Circa 1970-71.

He had the Robert Palmer look down even then. I snuck into his dressing room, and came this close to stealing one of his sports jackets.

buzzbabyjesus said...

In a good way somewhere between classic Ry Cooder and Tom Waits.

kodak ghost said...

Great post... and I didnt know this existed... and it would appear Drive is not availble on Spotify!!
Someone had uploaded the originals, which is great, but I am keen to hear Mr Palmers take on some great tracks.

Sal Nunziato said...

@Kodak ghost,

Click on the last two words of the post.

Art58Koen said...

Fantastic album, still very listenable.
If you like the "Woke Up Laughing" comp., I made a Deluxe Edition of it for Jonder:

Sal Nunziato said...

This is great! Thanks for this.
How about that Clues Live? Any chance for a live link on that?

kodak ghost said...

Many thanks- you may have my soul when Ive finished with it. Its worth listening to the originals on Spot.

jonder said...

Hi Sal -- the "Clues Live" link is still live. It has often been said that Mediafire links sometimes "play dead", but if you reload the link the DL should start. I would be glad to upload it to a different file host if it still doesn't work for you, but I just tried it.

Sal Nunziato said...

I was able to grab it. Thanks again!