Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Third Time's The Charm: Bette Smith Nails It on "Goodthing"


Bette Smith has, so far, eluded me. I've yet to see her perform live, which is where, friends say, she rules. But I've had no desire to see her live because I haven't cared for her records, which actually, aren't bad. It's just that "not bad" isn't enough to go back for repeated spins, or up and out to a club. What I've heard has been part retro soul, retro funk and modern blues, all done better by others. But I was hooked just a few seconds into the title track on her new record "Goodthing." The riff reminded me more than a little of "The Ocean" by Led Zeppelin, and that made me happy. Smith uses that familiar hook to her advantage and "Goodthing" really catches fire.

"Goodthing," the album, serves up more of a variety than what I've heard on her first two records. "M.O.N.E.Y" is a funky little gospel that is incredibly infectious and wouldn't be out of place on a 90's Prince record. Same for "Happiness." Actually, with respect to the late Purple God, there's nothing on Prince's last ten records as good as "Happiness," or anything on "Goodthing," for that matter. "Darkest Hour" burns slowly, dripping with Memphis sweat and soul. "More Than A Billionaire" slinks along like something Becker & Fagen might have written for "Katy Lied." And "Beautiful Mess" has a hook to die for.

Basically, what "Goodthing" did that Bette Smith's first two records did not, is call me right back for a second spin. Maybe that's producer Jimmy Hogarth's doing. Or maybe it's something as simple as better material. "Goodthing" doesn't feel like a retro novelty, the way "The Good The Bad The Bette" did. "Goodthing" is a solid record. That's a good thing.

Oh, and I want to say "good thing" one more time.  "Good thing."

Thank you.


kevin m said...

Like what I'm hearing. Thanks for the tip Sal

Allan Rosenberg said...

Real good!

Captain Al

Anonymous said...

I liked “ Goodthing” a lot. Loved “Happiness”. I thought “Beautiful Mess” was going to be the clunker but the chorus brought me back in. I’ve got some listening to do. Thanks

dogbreath said...

Thanks for showcasing these tunes. All new to me, but I was hooked straight up by Goodthing which got my mojo working overtime and that's a... er... good thing. Cheers!

JD said...

Thanks for the heads up. Great listen. Played through twice in a row, which is not a common occurrence around my house.

Anonymous said...

No fucking kidding! Got any idea who is in the band? Both studio and live if different. Worth the four year wait between albums. Way to build a career.


Sal Nunziato said...

The vinyl has no credits and a plain white inner bag.
No idea who is playing.

Christine said...

Whoa! First song blew me away! Good stuff - nice to meet you, Bette!