Thursday, October 10, 2024

Long May You Limp


I read about this and thought, "Man, this must have been amazing."

Then, I found a clip of "Hung Upside Down," a song not performed in almost 60 years. Stills announces it to the crowd of what looks like 14 people, and no one reacts. I'm thinking, "What's wrong with these people? It's Stills and Young playing a Buffalo Springfield tune that hasn't been played live since 1967! React, damn it!"

Then, I watched it. Well, as much as I could stand watching.

At what point do these legends realize, it ain't happening no more? Will they ever?  Or, is the whole point to just keep going regardless of sound or quality? 

This did not make my morning, as I wished it might.


kevin m said...

Good lord, Stills' voice sounds dreadful

Anonymous said...

I see more band members sitting down on stage after Phil Collins did it on the last tour. Billy Zoom on the current X tour, then 3 of 4 members of Frampton's band (not counting the drummer). That is not...inspiring.

Anonymous said...

Well, at least we have Charlie's truly wonderful S.O.T.D. to enjoy.


steve simels said...

Well, now I’m less annoyed the abortive Buffalo Springfield reunion your never played NYC.😎

Bill said...

Yeah, I got about 20 seconds in and had to bail. I’ll keep my memories, thanks.

Bob said...

Bless their souls...

Anonymous said...

About 30 years ago, a friend got me listening to those fabulous 1960's Bobby Blue Bland singles. Abiut 5 years after, I saw him with his band at a blues festival. I was psyched to hear those great songs. Unfortunately, his voice was no longer that powerful instrument. Instead his singing was slurred and full of warbling. I suppose Bobby still needed the money, so kept on touring.

Sadly, Steven Stills' voice sounds just as bad, but I knew that from TV appearance he made a while back (can't recall what show).

- Paul in DK

M_Sharp said...

That's unfortunate. Stills needs to watch that video.

steve simels said...

"Tour." Not "your".

Bombshelter Slim said...

Vocals at best are lame. The guitar duets aren't bad, though.

buzzbabyjesus said...

I thought the same when I saw a clip of "For What it's Worth".

Mr. Baez said...

Unfortunately, I have to agree. I did not know that this show was happening and was pretty interested to see what I had missed. I had seen the "reunion" Buffalo Springfield set at the Bridge Show several years ago and that was really a happy occasion. Stills voice then was worn but not ragged. And there was joy in the all around performance. The clips I've seen from this show just made me sad. It was pretty lifeless and tired. Though the cause was good and I hope it brought in money for the camp.

hpunch said...

Long May You Limp!!!!!!!

stewrat said...
