Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Imelda May, Where Have You Been All My Life?

Prior to hearing her sing "Lilac Wine" on the most recent Jeff Beck album, I knew nothing of Imelda May. Seeing her perform as Beck's opener on Monday, has made me officially obsessed.

She's from Dublin, and her first record "Love Tattoo," which seems to be out of print already, sounds as if Wanda Jackson and Mary Ford had a few shots of Wild Turkey at a Cramps listening party and decided to make some music afterward.

Then there is this, which I only heard about and didn't see when it aired.

Her new CD, "Mayhem," gets a September release. Here is the first single and video, "Psycho."

And finally, maybe you'll dig this live show I dug up from April, recorded live at The Luminaire in London, on 4/21/10.

Glad I got that out of my system.


Feel Me
My Babe
Love Tattoo
Poor Boy
Train Kept A'Rollin
Don't Tell The Devil
Big Bad Handsome Man
Forever You & Me
Don't You Do Me No Wrong
No Turning Back
My Baby Left Me
Rollin' & Tumblin'
Johnny Got A Boom Boom
Tainted Love



  1. I bought the cd as an import last year. "Johnny Got a boom Boom" was one of my songs of the year. I think the Cd loses some steam after that, but it's still really great.

  2. Wasn't she the crazy broad from the Philippines with the ridiculous shoe collection?

    Oh wait, different Imelda...

  3. Never heard of her before but based on the sounds (and the hair style!) in those 2 clips I'll definitely listen to the posted show.
    Great find, Sal.

    Still, and I don't mean to rain on the fun, but personally I don't care for the video trivializing, demonizing, and ridiculing people with serious mental illness. I know, I know, it's just a silly video. But I don't find it all that amusing.
    Guess I'll stick to the audio portion...

  4. I am guilty, too often I'm afraid, for not looking beyond the surface sometimes. I posted the video to offer the "official" version of the song. Truth be told, I listened while typing, and didn't actually watch the video.

    So, no offense meant.

  5. i'm not too sure about this imelda gal, sal...i kinda think that if someone's vocals are great, there's really no need to do tricks with them (as there was in both the live and studio recorded videos)...on the les paul/ mary ford cover i find her singing a bit lethargic, too...on the other hand, jeff beck never ceases to amaze me...steven

  6. Mrs. Sane bought two (!) copies of "Love Tattoo" after seeing the Beck duet on the Grammies. One for her sister.

    It annoyed me that they plastered the price stickers right over her face. You know, she got all done up and hired a photographer and all. Cut the girl a break, Borders.

    What I've heard sounds nice and retro. I'll share the live stuff with the Mrs, thanks for the post.

  7. I've been listening to Love Tattoo for about a year, and have been looking for a live recording for a while. She really delivers the goods here and her band is hot too. And is she ever easy on the eyes! Thanks for the post.

  8. Steven,
    I think Imelda's vocals were purposely treated to harmonize on the Les Paul tribute, as Mary Ford's were back in the day.

  9. We just saw her last month on a Tuesday night in a Stockholm stage bar that is down a subway staircase-turn right, go on the train. Turn left and you enter the club.

    After the opening act, a local Swedish rockabilly combo, was finished, the band set up and out she walked and out of her mouth came a force of nature. She is the leader of the band without a doubt, her husband plays guitar and the group is skin tight.

    She seems to hold Wanda Jackson as her muse.

    However, I agree with jeff, she writes her own material and she is a presence live, but I think she is limited by the genre. This is a talent that needs a producer to help her find material that befits her gift.

    Jeff Beck seems to be the one who understands what she can do, judging from the Les Paul tribute and the"Lilac Wine" choice.

    A search on YouTube will show you a lot of live stuff with Beck and iTunes Britain has a very tasty live set EP.

    She's the real deal and can be a song stylist for many years to come.

  10. Wow! I hadn't seen the "Psycho" video until just now!

    Correctness aside, Ken D., this is exactly the kind of car wreck of marketing that will have her back playing pubs in no time.

    Instead of picking a song and creating an image that showcases her talent, we get a re-hash of an 80's video that only needs Lou Albano coming off the gurney.

    What a shame!

  11. Not to ignore Ms.May, but how 'bout the band? What a band!
    These guys rock! Any word of a U.S. tour?

  12. I just got back from her concert in Seattle at the NEPTUNE THEATER and anyone who says she is limited by genre is limited by mental capacity...she is better than Madona ever hoped to be and is a mix of the real Evita Peron and Holwin' Wolf...THE LADY IS GOIN' PLACES
