Apologies for the lack of content the last two weeks. I have been on the road, on and off, picking up record collections and hanging with friends, old and new. I stumbled across this "gem" while digging in Syracuse. This baby has EVERYTHING! And too much of it, to boot! Jim Steinman, Todd Rundgren, reverb, lots of backing vocals. It's one, huge, ham-fisted hit single from 1986. So, until Bonnie Tyler heads back out on her eclipse tour of 2024, please use the next seven years to listen to "Loving You's a Dirty Job, But Somebody's Got Do It.," and have a great, safe, fun-filled long weekend.
That is Bombast personified, by people who know how to do it right.
Thanks for this blast from the past. When I saw the Welsh diva performing & giving it some welly, such was her lung power that she blew my hat off & gave me a new hair parting. Or something along those lines. Anyway, fantastic stuff! Over here our long weekend was last week but enjoy a great Labor (and that's Labour over here) Day weekend over there. Cheers!
I did indeed listen to "Total Eclipse of the heart" while driving to the place where we would observe totality. As Rolling Stone said, it was a triumph of literalism! But this slice of OTT is new to me. As soon as I'm done playing the soundtrack to "Streets of Fire," I'll put it on. Thanks!
Bombast at it's best.
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