Saturday, September 5, 2020

Bang Bang! I Am The Worrier.

I live for summer. The hotter, the better. Light clothing, the ocean, baseball and best of all, no snow to shovel. These are all highlights of the summer months for me, not to mention some of the greatest music attached to some of my greatest childhood memories.

This is Labor Day Weekend, the unofficial end of summer. I have not seen the ocean once. Baseball is sadly, a joke. But best of all, no snow to shovel. Today happens to be a glorious weather day in N.Y.C., and yet I am okay with staying the masked course, and keeping away from crowds, however much I could use a time out from the madness for a few laughs, a few beers with friends and a big salt water breeze.

Yet, I can't do it. I can't do it yet. I can't do it because I still see people out and about in my neighborhood walking in groups of four and six, masks on their chins, or dangling from their ears. I can't do it because I've watched the numbers slowly but surely creep up over the last few weeks, as more places opened for business, and more people became stir crazier.

Coincidence? You do believe in Science, yes?

I can't do it, and I am really okay with it.

This morning, two friends within minutes of each other, mentioned how they were both (separately, coincidentally) heading north and south respectively, to partake in some "indoor dining," that is still banned in the five boroughs. They were both "very excited." I was not. I offered a somewhat cold, "Enjoy" and that was the end of the conversation...almost. One friend said, "You're such a worrier. Live a little." The other said, "If not now, when? Gotta go out sometime!" That was the end of the conversations.

A good friend of mine, who also happens to be a well respected surgeon, offered this advice to me, "Listen to Dr. Fauci. Doubt everyone else."

It seems like traveling to Port Washington for some Veal Picata isn't quite appealing enough to me to risk my health or the health of loved ones. Sitting around outside, pretending I am enjoying some Eggs Benedict and a Bloody Mary while a mask is hanging below my chin, all the while trying to ignore a death count of close to 200,000 with a projected doubling by December, just isn't that appealing to me. If that makes me a worrier, then I'm a worrier. But I certainly don't need to be laughed at for trying to do the right thing. It is not yet "sometime" for me.

Enjoy your meals. You have every right. But also, fuck you and your name-calling and guilt trips.

Thanks for letting me rant.

Have a great weekend.


JB said...

Couldn't agree more, Sal. The coast is NOT clear. Pretending that it is will only make the numbers go up. I don't understand how people can be so cavalier about their personal risk.

I don't play the lottery, because I don't like the odds.

This is a lottery too. And if your number comes up, you or your loved ones (or both) are fucked.

I ain't playing. I'm wearing the damn mask, limiting potential exposures, staying away from crowds.

We ate indoors once, back in June. Couldn't enjoy the meal. Won't do that again until things look a lot better.

Stay safe, and thanks for BW,


Dr Wu said...

Echo that! Exponentially!

Ken D said...


Or on the other hand, this friend says, you're a rational thinker with a grip on reality. You'll live a lot longer.

I'm with you (distantly).

M_Sharp said...

Good for you! It's still hard to believe that so many people still ignore science and the facts. I'm tired of reading about stupid they are. Yeah, I'm bored stiff, but I'm still healthy, and so are my family and friends.

Rodger Stroup said...

Being a Royals fan, the Summer is always a crapshoot for baseball, but I'm with you, Sal. I'm a worrier too, and I'm good with it. Besides, I've had more time to listen to music, and that has made working from home and staying home on the weekend a walk in the park!
Continue staying safe!

OldRockr1 said...

I'm back in the classroom this week and really not what you would call excited about that, but I have to work. I desperately want to go to a show but wouldn't if there were any to see. I'll stick to my precautions, make sure my students wear masks and hope for the best.

You have every right to feel as you do and personally I can't stand those who are ignoring the reality. Thanks for posting Sal.

cmealha said...

The more this goes on the happier I am not interacting with those people who have shown their true colors during all this. They're the worst. I can wait to see the rest and not take a chance of never seeing them again.

ThroatWarblerMangrove said...

What you have, my friend is prudent anxiety. Don’t apologize.

Keith35 said...

I agree with you 100%! I only go out for a walk; and early in the morning. I haven't been in any store since March. I get everything delivered. I will stay this way till this pandemic is over.It's bad enough I live in a large building in Manhattan. I wear mask and gloves when I venture out. Am I a bit stir crazy? Sure. But I'm 59 and at high risk. Fortunately, we live in a time where we can be connected virtually while being socially distant.In NYC you can get anything you need or want delivered. We also have more entertainment options available in home. 30 years ago or more, it would be more capable to cope. Stay safe Sal

Keith35 said...

*I meant "less capable to cope"

pmac said...

1000% agreed.

hpunch said...

Let me know the review of the restaurant in Port Washington.

kodak ghost said...

From a different country. You are spot on. So many politicians are raving about the economy going down the gurgler, but it people are ill and incapacitated the economy is stuffed anyway. Keep home, keep safe. Don't get complacent.

Alley Oop said...

Now you’re talking, Sal. It’s GOOD to be a caveman!

Jim Grathwohl said...

Not being super cautious myself, but the only people I look down on are the ones with no consideration for their fellow man i.e. the anti mask crowd. It's not about you, idiots, its about others. So what if some people want to be careful? It's not affecting anyone else. No need to feel self conscious. Sad that we even have to discuss this. Y

Anonymous said...

Sal, it finally hit home - I'm on day four of a 10-day quarantine from work after being exposed to someone who tested positive.

I guess it could be worse - paid week off from work listening to records all day.


Troy said...

Thanks Sal. Now I have that Patti Smyth & Scandal song stuck in my head :)