Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Orchestral Mary Chains In The Darkness On The Edge Of Town



Anonymous said...


cmealha said...

I've listened to a lot of Jack Antanoff's music. It's more miss than hit for mee but there are some interesting things he' put one. This may be one of them. Have to listen a bit more but he does cram a lot into it.

Ken D said...

If you're playing "can you top this?" and you get Bruce S to sing along in your video, I guess that's pretty much game, set, match.
Good song, too.

heartsofstone said...

Nice to have good friends to "help" out on a song.

Chris Collins said...

I mean....I'm trying.

I actually think that Jack is a very gifted producer. I never really got into his own work but I don't hate it. I'm finding the same here.