Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Floobie Doobie Do


The Pranks from St. Louis made a record in 1997. It was called "Floobie." 

Know it? 

I didn't before yesterday. Thanks Randy, for making my day,

To say The Pranks sound a little like Cheap Trick would be an understatement. If you had to take a shot every time you heard a Zander-ism, you'd be trashed by Track Three. But this is not a bad thing. As a matter of fact, almost everything on "Floobie" works.

Once you get past the hairband-y opener "Wake Up" and the Styx-ish "Hello Goodbye" later on in the set, "Floobie" is a fast, hard and solid record with a ton of hooks, some great melodies and harmonies, and more than enough references to the Rockford rockers to keep you on your toes, assuming you're a Cheap Trick fan. If not, then I can't help you.

"Floobie" is not readily available for purchase. As of this morning, two dealers had the CD for sale, one in Japan and one in Germany.  The entire album is on YouTube. If enough of you dig it, I'll be happy to post a link to the entire album that I converted to MP3 from the video files.

I love "Floobie."




Kouzie said...

Glad you found this! I bought it when it came out and have loved it since. Not to be confused with another band called The Pranks which featured Jeffrey Foskett (Beach Boys/Brian Wilson). Also worth tracking down...

Shriner said...

You sure it's not a Robin Zander side-project?

I can't think of another singer that sounds *exactly* like Zander than these tracks do...

Anonymous said...

Yeh, hit me with it! (Please!) - Stinky

Beyes said...

Please post - love it. Thank you! Power Pop!

FD13NYC said...

Yes!! Floobie by The Pranks is great!

heartsofstone said...

Wow - a great find.

Marty said...

Please post the link to the entire album that you converted to MP3 from the video files.
Thank you in advance for posting it is much appreciated.

Marty said...

I hope you post the link to the entire album that you converted to MP3 from the video files. Can't wait to hear the entire album.

Sal Nunziato said...

The post is now updated with a zip of the album.

Marty said...

Thank You!