Friday, June 18, 2021

"Paul, Brian, Ray & Todd" : THE WEEKEND MIX 2021



Paul McCartney, born on June 18th.
Brian Wilson, born on June 20th
Ray Davies, born on June 21st.
Todd Rundgren, born on June 22nd.



I believe this is the 7th time I have paid tribute to this fab four during their birthday week.

Our boys are alive and kicking and I truly believe I am alive and kicking thanks to these geniuses.

It's self-explanatory, so dig in. 

Happy Birthday Gents! You done good.



Darlin'- The Beach Boys
Young Boy- Paul McCartney
Session Man- The Kinks
Courage- Todd Rundgren
Warm & Beautiful- Wings
In My Room- The Beach Boys
Over My Head- Ray Davies
Wendy- The Beach Boys
Get Back In Line- The Kinks
I'm Carrying- Wings
Bread- Todd Rundgren
Winter Bird/When Winter Comes- Paul McCartney
Scattered- The Kinks
Eastern Intrigue- Todd Rundgren
Initiation- Todd Rundgren
Just Once In My Life- The Beach Boys



snakeboy said...

Very nice collection. Thanks for taking the time.

steve simels said...

Well, that’s a cool playlist.

steve simels said...

Kudos for including Session Man.👍


So good!

heartsofstone said...

I so look forward to these every year. Thank so much.

Sal Nunziato said...

The breadth of work from these four guys is something to behold and yet, embarrassingly, I've repeated songs more than twice. Next year, all new!

Kirke said...

I look forward to this mix every year. Great job.
KC in Austin

Moondog said...

Unique and thoughtful mix, as usual. Thanks!

daudder said...

Of the four, Brian Wilson is totally overrated. God only Knows is fantastic, but otherwise,,,,

cmealha said...

If all he ever did was God Only Knows he couldn’t be overrated

dogbreath said...

Of the two "Sirs" I've always tilted more towards the Raymond Douglas Davies stuff, but many happy returns to all four gents. Great mix and, mirabile dictu, I even enjoyed the Todd Rundgren tunes. Cheers!

A Walk In The Woods said...

Thanks for this!

Mr. Baez said...

I too look forward to your fab 4 yearly birthday mix. So much joy and happiness from these four gents. Thank you, Sal.

Michael Giltz said...

Always the best!

hpunch said...

What a great collection, avoiding the obvious classics.