Thursday, March 3, 2022

What Makes This Song Great, Ep. 112


Maybe you know Rick Beato and maybe you don't. I tend to fall into a Beato rabbit hole, but then need to take a long break. He's a bit full of himself at times, but there is no denying that he knows his stuff.

He is now up  to episode 112 of "What Makes This Song Great," dissecting in timely fashion, the Tears For Fears smash, "Everybody Wants To Rule The World." I love this series, mostly when it is about a song I love, and I love this track.

The video is 15 minutes long, which is probably 14:30 too long for the smash and grab blog readers. But, what Beato does here with audio and video is what I have been trying to do for 50 plus years with words. The difference is, I am a gushing fool, saying the same things over and over again about good pop music and great record making, while he uses his talents as a musician and leads by example.

You might not be a Tears For Fears fan, but you may love this song. It doesn't matter because this video is incredibly entertaining, even during the more technical areas---chord progressions, time changes, etc.. But the best part about this and all of these Beato videos is how he can illustrate that there is more than meets the ear, and man, do I love great record making. I've heard this song hundreds of times but never really noticed just how amazing and tasty the guitar playing is throughout. Beato made this monster hit seem new again.


ken49 said...

I also really enjoy Rick. He knows his stuff and has a great way of peeling back the layers of how a song is created and why it connects to listeners. One of my most recent listens was the most beautiful two minutes of music which occurs somewhere around the 30 minute mark on Keith Jarrett's Lausanne or Bremen concert. Kind of hard to find but it is sublime. He makes you want to listen.

buzzbabyjesus said...

I enjoy rick and even bought a copy of his BEATO BOOK, however, he can get a little tiresome at times, especially if you don't think whichever song is that great. Ep 112 isn't one of those.
On the other hand, musician Pat Finnerty enjoys having a little fun with Rick on his series,
"What Makes This Song Stink".

Here's his latest on RHC's "Dani California":

Then there's his epic "Kravitz Bowl"

FD13NYC said...

I know of and follow Rick Beato. He's very cool and informative. As for the Tears For Fears tune, I hadn't realized there were so many cool parts in EWTRTW. Oh well, discover something every day.

Stephen said...

Fingerprintz- "Beat Noir"
Great album I have the UK Stiff (10 Track LP)...later released with extra tracks.

Interesting band that released some great music.


philo said...

I love this song as well. And it sounds amazing 37 years later..