Tuesday, August 2, 2022

"Exquisite Hurt"



If you are a Nick Lowe fan, then you most likely know this song and might even love it as much as I do. I am aware of some Nick fans who don't really care for what they have described as his "old man records." I guess this track is from one of those "old man records." But this particular reading felt like a miracle. I'm sure that even if you prefer the "young man records," you can admit this take is pure beauty.

(h/t cmealha)


Paul Sunset Park said...

Oh! To see Nick with Bill Kirchen just one more time! The best and the best. This is the top Lowe song of all time.Most of us have been there at one time or another.

Ralph said...

Love the ‘old Nick’ records the best, this is a particularly good one. Love his earlier stuff too, but I think his songwriting has just got better and better.

Anonymous said...

One of my favorite Nick songs, old or new. Fantastic lyrics too.

With a growing sense of dread
And a hammer in my head
Fully clothed upon the bed
I wake up to the world that lately, I've been living in
There's a cut upon my brow
Must have banged myself somehow
But I can't remember now
And the front door's open wide
Lately, I've let things slide

I go to the bin, I throw the laundry in
And pick out the cleanest shirt
Then I tell myself again, I don't really hurt


heartsofstone said...

Nick Lowe has a quiet grace that is perfect for what is referred to as "old man" music. I could listen to this music all night long.

FD13NYC said...

Definitely! It's one of his good ones, great lyrics. Take it from this old man. Thanks Sal & Carl

Beyes said...

Very nice. Seeing him open for EC in a couple of weeks down here in the DC area.

Mr. Baez said...

Aging doesn't have to mean old stagnation, it can translate to mature progression. Age happens, might as well continue to develop with it. Nick Lowe is an artist who certainly has. Love this song. Thanks for sharing it with us, Sal.

Whattawino said...

Just gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely version

A Walk In The Woods said...

Great song!

Cleveland Jeff said...

New Nick, Young Nick, Old Nick
Any Nick is a good Nick in my book!

M_Sharp said...

Great song! Old Nick is fine with me.

Stephen said...

Many great and wonderful songs by Nick Lowe including this one here.

He has stated in interviews that a change (maturity) in his songwriting and manner in which he sings brought him back into performing and recording.

Did some great lockdown videos at home with with his son.

Nick has a wonderful version of "Hertbreaker" both solo and with Los Straitjackets (Yes the Bee Gees / Dionne Warwick one).......BRILLIANT!

You in the USA are VERY lucky to have Elvis Costello & Nick Lowe (& Los Straitjackets) ON THE SAME BILL1!!!


Marc said...

This song first came out when Nick was in his early 50s (younger than I am now). It's a great one, and I'd rather have him write "mature" songs than pretend he's still 25.


Sal Nunziato said...

I am happy to see so many in agreement over the song. But only one mention about the performance. I've watched this 12 times, and it affected me every time.

The way he strums the guitar.
His enunciation of every word.
The dynamics
How he breaks down and plays the bass line on the instrumental break and recreates the guitar solo with "ooohs."
The smile at the end.

It is a masterful in every way.

FD13NYC said...

That's a given.

dogbreath said...
