Monday, September 12, 2022

Happy Birthday To Me!



Would you believe this blog turned 14 last week? I've been here since birth and I don't believe it!

I think it's come a long way. I look at some of the earliest posts and though they are only from 2008, they read like relics from a different planet. I am not sure what I was thinking back then, but I do think I have fine-tuned my snark and toned down the attitude just a bit.

Early on, I would post a yearly plea for donations to help keep the hosting site of all the zip files alive. It was never comfortable to ask, but I made peace with it since it wasn't like I was the only one who had ever asked. These days there are GoFundMe pages for people who need new snow blowers. I stopped asking a few years back because the zip file archive had to be deleted unless I wanted to be charged a ridiculous amount for storage. But now, that archive is growing again and so is the yearly cost to house it all.

Now there are plenty of sites who offer their hosting and storage services for free, but along with that free service comes more complications: time consuming downloads with passwords, limits, less space and annoying pop-ups for massage therapy and Zoloft.  By paying for space, your tunes, including the CD length "Weekend Mixes" and "Songs Of The Week" are one safe click away.

There is NO obligation. None. Everyone can enjoy this place for free. This is another reason I feel comfortable asking. Just don't do it, if you don't want to, and keep reading, guilt free. But, if you feel like tossing a little in the bucket, scroll down on the right. The PayPal button is right below my plea for records!

Thanks for an amazing run. Here's to 14 more years.


A Walk In The Woods said...

Done! A small fee to get awesome conversation, curated music, and yes, memes about Miles Davis or James Hetfield... not necessarily in that order.

I hope everyone else reading this will chip in some sheckles too if you can. You know it's worth it!

pmac said...

Feliz Cumpleanos, amigo!

cmealha said...

Keep 'em coming!

D said...

Best to you!

Anonymous said...

I'm too much of a cheapskate to give you money while I'm alive but I've told my wife when I leave this mortal coil, she's to give you my record collection.


Michael Giltz said...

OMG! I missed the anniversary! Happy Birthday Burning Wood!

Michael Giltz said...

In my defense, I was in the midst of COVID!!! By the way, science works. I was diagnosed and started Paxlovid on the same day. Sick as a dog for about seven hours, finally fell asleep...and woke up feeling much, much better. Tired and a little headache that first day and I def rested and took it easy for the next eight or nine days while isolating (because I'm not a selfish jerk) but I basically felt fine. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

heartsofstone said...

Happy Birthday. Thanks so much for all you do for all of us.

M_Sharp said...

Happy Birthday! I hope we're all here for the next 14.

dogbreath said...

Who knows where the time goes? Just back from a fortnight in Sweden and have some kronor left to contribute to the kitty. Didn't view the blog while away to save that pleasure until I was back (I know, have to get Nursie to increase my medication)! Keep on keeping on. Cheers!

Anonymous said...

Found BW many many years ago via Eric Alterman’s blog. At the end of his posts he would frequently have a link that simply said “Here’s Sal.” Thanks to him for pointing the way, and thanks to Sal for all the great content over the years. Keep it coming!