Wednesday, September 14, 2022

One More Thing About "Earthling"



When I wrote about Eddie Vedder's new solo record "Earthling" back in July, I mentioned his influences. You can hear Tom Petty, Elton John, Neil Finn and Lennon & McCartney loud and clear on a number of these tracks. What I hadn't realized at the time was that it was literally.

Reading through the credits while listening yesterday, I noticed Elton co-wrote a track, as well as lending his voice and piano. And on the very Beatle-y "Mrs. Mills," Ringo Starr plays drums.

The first two or three times I listened to "Mrs. Mills" I thought, "Man, this drummer is nailing the Ringo fills." When I saw that it was Ringo, I'll be honest, I got just a tad emotional. I mean, this guy is 82 and he can still do his thing. It's unmistakably Ringo!


Anonymous said...

What's more amazing to me than Ringo still kickin' ass is that an old album hound like yerself didn't peruse the credits the first time you gave it a listen!
C in California

Sal Nunziato said...

C In California,
As in most vinyl releases these days, the stream or CD comes out first. I had to wait two months for the vinyl to arrive and finally see the credits!

Michael Giltz said...

Ha! That's awesome.