Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Richard Roundtree, 1942-2023



I never thought "Shaft" was a good film, but I could watch the opening credits all day. As a matter of fact, I think watching Richard Roundtree walk around a dirty, New York City in the 70's, with an extended version of Isaac Hayes' Oscar winning title song as his soundtrack, would have made a much better movie.

Can you dig it?


Anonymous said...

While the film wasn't very good, Richard Roundtree was, as was the soundtrack from Isaac Hayes. That opening sequence does make you feel like you are there as he walks through the city, so kudos for that.

- Paul in DK

Michael Giltz said...

Ha! It's just ok, but that song and the moment when Shaft gets in a cab and says, "Uptown, brother!" says it all!

JB said...

I dug it enough to use one of my Columbia House "free" selections to get it. (!)

Can't say I listened to much beyond the first side but I still start salivating when I hear that hi hat.

Yer damn right.

Anonymous said...

Isaac Hayes could act. Thank you for bringing up Rockford files. He still hadn’t even in hustle and flow and truck Turner. He was a bad motherfucker can you imagine today what he would be like a dangerous brother from Memphis making movies = he’d be the Rock with a voice…. Eric S

Christine said...

I never saw the movie, but watching the opening credits brought me back to those dirty 70's NYC streets! How cool is he walking around in the middle of winter with his coat wide open defeating the whole purpose of a coat? The song always brings me right back there too. SHAFT! Thanks for posting!

Anonymous said...

Was it something I said? Or something Fred Williamson wrote?


Sal Nunziato said...

I don't know what happened. I saw your comment, published your comment and now I can't find your comment. I honestly don't know.

Anonymous said...


Must have been the Central Scrutinizer. I've had weird shit like that happen before on various forms of social media. Glad you cleared that up for me.