Sunday, October 29, 2023

Songs Of The Week, 2023: 10/21-10/27


Daily Bread- Corey Harris
Ann- The Meters
The Man Comes Around- Johnny Cash
Idea- Bee Gees
I Believe- Robert Plant
Tarzan- Johnny Guitar Watson
Baby Baby- The Clarendonians


Daily Bread- Corey Harris
I was obsessed with this track in 2005. As we closed NYCD for good, it became a mantra of sorts, doing my best to stay out of a straitjacket. Then, I couldn't listen to it for a long time. All of Corey Harris' "Daily Bread" album is fantastic, but this is a standout.

Ann- The Meters
Whenever I hear this tune, I think it's a cover of something else. See if you can hear what I hear.

The Man Comes Around- Johnny Cash

Chills of various shapes and sizes!

Idea- Bee Gees

Of the first three Bee Gees albums, "Idea" is my least favorite, but that doesn't mean there aren't a half dozen amazing tracks, including the title track. Just shows ya how good the first two albums are.

I Believe- Robert Plant
After four uneven solo releases, Robert Plant finally got it right on "Fate Of Nations." This was the first or second single...I believe.

Tarzan- Johnny Guitar Watson

I shared the cover of "A Real Mother For Ya" on Instagram with the caption, "You can try, and god knows I have, but you will never be as a cool as this record." I wanted to add, "unless you are the album before it," but left it alone. That said, if you don't know JGW's "Ain't That A Bitch" and "A Real Mother For Ya," you need to get on them toot sweet.

Baby Baby- The Clarendonians
Another in a long series of genius reggae appropriations, here is one of my favorite groups The Clarendonians with a Peter Austin "original" titled "Baby Baby," which you will figure out isn't an original about 15 seconds in. Still, I could listen to this all day.


Michael Giltz said...

Is Jamaica already a dream? Sounds like you had a great time and the after-effects can be happily seen on your playlists!

Noel M said...

Thank you for always taking the time to assemble these SOTW's - looks like another excellent one!

Titanic Days said...

Just now listening to the Johnny Guitar Watson records you recommended - great stuff! Thanks Sal

Chris Collins said...

I've always really loved "I Believe".

And that Johnny Cash song has always chilled me as well

thanks for this!

dogbreath said...

The Johnny Cash track was a revelation (Biblically and literally) when I first heard it. Still delivers shivers down the spine, a stone cold classic of its type. And the Robert Plant song, written after the tragic death of his young son, was the single after "29 Palms" from the "Fate..." album. As always, many thanks for doing up the zip. Cheers!