Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Yet Another Pop Gem From John Dunbar

And speaking as we were yesterday of power pop sorta-legends, here's some brand new pop bliss from my pal and one time band mate John Dunbar. 

Damn, this is good!

Get a buck and go buy yourself a copy over at Bandcamp. 


kevin m said...

One time band mate? So no more John Sally Ride?

Anonymous said...

What a sweet tune. Thanks

JD said...

Thanks. Best $s I spent this week. I keep listening and thinking of Nilsson. Never a bad thing.

cmealha said...

Nice tune!

steve simels said...

That is, for want of a better word, fab. Also gear. Can't wait to hear the rest of the album.

BTW, Sal -- I had the pleasure of meeting John for the firt time a few weeks ago when he stopped into my Forest Hills watering hole unexpectedly, A delightful guy, and I think the three of us should do lunch one of these days.

Michael Giltz said...

Thanks for sharing! Looking forward to the new album.