Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Gabriel's "i/o": Bright & Dark


11:30 A.M., DARK SIDE

Let me begin by saying, I am a huge Genesis fan, right through "Abacab," and even a few tracks from the MTV-era, especially "No Son Of Mine," an absolutely brilliant record. I have loved Peter Gabriel's solo career just as much. I am a fan.

That said, I am not a fan of this recent campaign of dropping a new tune every full moon, each with various mixes, including a "Bright Side" and a "Dark Side" mix, both of which will be the choices for when "i/o," Peter Gabriel's first collection of new material in 20 or so years gets released this week. 

I was exhausted before I heard a single note of music and to be frank, this entire exercise almost made me not care at all.

"i/o" drops Friday, and I spent a good part of Tuesday morning A/B-ing the "Bright" and "Dark" mixes of a half dozen songs. I think I have a damn good ear for music, sound and production and the best I can come up with regarding these two mixes is this: 

Musically, the songs are identical. But the "Bright Side" feels like you are listening to the album with your blinds open, while the "Dark Side" feels like you are listening with your blinds shut.

How did all involved accomplish that? I have no idea. But it's the best I've got at the moment.

But how about the music?

After one full pass of the "Dark Side," a 68 minute investment, I was a bit underwhelmed. It's not that the music is unpleasant. Some of it is quite beautiful. But unfortunately, it seems I've heard that song before. After waiting 20 years, I didn't want to find myself saying, "Oh, this one is Sledgehammer." "Oh, this one is Digging In The Dirt." "Oh, this one is Here Comes The Flood." "Oh, this one is Mercy Street." "Oh, this one is In Your Eyes." "Oh, this one and this one is Digging In The Dirt and Here Comes The Flood again."

I realize that very phenomenon just occurred with the Rolling Stones new one, "Hackney Diamonds" and I love that record. Maybe it's because the Stones haven't sounded like the Stones for so long, I welcomed it. I don't have a real answer, but that is what I was doing, at least on first pass with Peter Gabriel.

I struggle all the time with my favorite artists. Damned if they do, damned if they don't. Would I have preferred a Peter Gabriel album that sounded nothing like Peter Gabriel? I don't know. Maybe, if it was great. Only a few tracks out of a dozen---"Olive Tree," "Panopticon," and the absolutely gorgeous "Live & Let Live," the "Biko" of the album--stood out. I was loving the title track until it finished like an outtake from "The Lion King." I had a similar change of heart with "This Is Home," which begins beautifully, but ended far too mainstream for a Peter Gabriel record.

The rest blended into each other as one, long Gabriel "experience."

Structurally, "i/o" plays just like "So" did in 1986 and "Us" did in 1992, only I love those records through and through. 2002's "Up" was a solid record, but I said about it what I am saying now about "i/o." It's all too familiar, to a fault.


As I listened to "i/o" a second time, or maybe it was the first since it is now the Bright Side, something jumped out at me. Gabriel's vocals sound incredibly treated. There are a few songs where he sounds more like a young Gabriel impersonator. Did I not catch this on the Dark Side, or is this a result of the "bright" mix?

Once again, I found myself pointing out audio references to older material. I'm not sure how I feel about that. As I mentioned above, would it have been better if Peter Gabriel made a hip-hop record? I think not, but so many of these "new" songs sound too much like the old ones. "Olive Tree," one of the three that I really enjoyed, is such a throwback, you could play it back to back with Steve Winwood's "Valerie," and you'd swear it was 1982. "Playing For Time" is so eerily familiar to me, I listened to it a third time, to see if I could figure it out. It is a beautiful piece of music but unfortunately, it just sounds too much like a Randy Newman Oscar winner for Best Song in an animated Disney film about mice. 

I rated each track on my second pass. These ratings may change over time, but after two passes, "i/o" doesn't feel like a success or a failure. It's just another Peter Gabriel album, only there are two of them.

Panopticon- ****
The Court- ***
Playing For Time- **
i/o- **1/2
Four Kinds Of Horses- ***
Road To Joy- ***
So Much- ** 1/2
Olive Tree- ****
Love Can Heal- **
This Is Home- **1/2
And Still- *1/2
Live & Let Live- *** 1/2

I am not giving up on this record. I am too much of a fan. But I don't have the patience to analyze the difference in mixes, though I might have if I loved the material more.


wardo said...

Somebody pointed out to me (and I'm paraphrasing, because what they actually said was more rude) that PG has evolved with the times, and albums aren't what they used to be. He basically gave the whole thing away over the course of the year, and made events out of each release.

That said, I'm old enough to want a physical product to put on the shelf alongside its siblings so I'm glad he's doing that. However, the fact that it took over 20 years to finish these songs, coupled with the multiple mixes, tells me that he is his worst producer, not being able to decide which mix he liked.

I was disappointed by Up, and I've been underwhelmed by these songs, but maybe that will change with a more unified listening experience.

Mr Grimsdale said...

I can't be bothered with PG any more, and i used to love his music, seeing him many times in the early years. He lost it after 1983. I saw the most recent tour, and can't remember much about it, other than it looked nice. The new songs were mediocre, if fine-wrought.

Noel M said...

Insightful and hilarious review. ("... an outtake from "The Lion King."" got a Danny Thomas-style spit take of coffee)

I've said before here that I don't mind the drip of song releases here at all; and in fact, I kind of prefer it, because it allows a focus (if one wants to - and if the songs don't sound like Lion King outtakes) on each song. Then we get the whole LP, and we can listen en toto.

All I know is, I like the 2 songs I've heard from it so far, a lot, so I'm hopeful.

Also, thanks for reviewing each song at the end with stars - I wish more reviews did that, instead of just reviewing the whole LP.

buzzbabyjesus said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I've played the songs (via streaming playlist) many times this year, adding the new tracks as they've come to the list. I've played this more than any other new release this year and I'm sure I will continue playing the album. Certainly more often than Up or Ovo. Is it the best work he's ever done? No. But is solid and there is nothing embarrassing, much the way Richard Thompson continues to put out good music.

As for the mixes, the differences are subtle in most cases, but I haven't done a track by track comparison. Perhaps the high-resolution version will show me the differences.

As for the tour, it was excellent. Any band with Manu Katche and Tony Levin as the rhythm section is worth seeing. Were tours in the 80's and 90's better: yes, because I had better seats and the venues had better sound than the arena this time around.

- Paul in DK

Troy said...

I've listened to both mixes once so far. At 68 minutes per listen, it's going to be tough to do much side by side comparison, unless I focus on a specific track or two. Very initial reaction is that I like the Dark Side mix a little better.

I also think it's too long. With all the focus on mixing, he could also use an editor. Maybe one advantage to his release approach is that you can take it all in in bits and pieces.

With that said, I really, really like Panopticon, Road to Joy, Olive Tree, and Live and Let Live. Will see how the rest grabs me as we go.

cmealha said...

I've listened to the songs as they were released and I did the same thing you did by comparing the songs to those that came before. Well, Peter Gabriel is going to sound like Peter Gabriel but in some instances it sounded like he was trying to replicate some of his greatest hits. Given that, I still enjoyed most of the tracks even though they didn't all wow me. I had a hard time differentiating between the mixes as a lot of the differences were subtle but I didn't really work at it very hard.The songs you and Troy mentioned are probably the best. Bottom line is that it's Peter Grabriel and even at his worst he's better than most other artists' best.

Chris Collins said...

My god, you hit it on the head. I love Peter Gabriel but it seemed like so much WORK to keep up with this rollout. i really want to dig in now that it's coming out. i really can't wait to hear all of this in one place and ee how it works on me. This is an artist that I really love. I'm excited to see how this affects me

Christine said...

Very well thought out (and I'm sure time consuming) review! But the real question is, CAN HE SING LIKE FIEVEL? ;)

Anonymous said...

Apple Music has an ‘In-Side Mix’ as well. Lol!

Anonymous said...

Really appreciate your comments and reviews, but in a few words, which version dark/bright is better?

Sal Nunziato said...

After doing my best to compare, I purchased the Dark mix LP. There seemed to be less of a shine on the vocals, which I preferred. Though, maybe it's my imagination.

Jerry Martin Davis said...

Peter Gabriel is Peter Gabriel is Peter Gabriel. Love most of his music anyway it comes. Even that Up was pretty dark and his Scratch and New Blood did not fit into my listening habits. But I am pleasantky surorised with the new bright dark side of life as after covid we have become so polarized into "yes" bright and dark way of living, thinking, feeling... He always brings hope to the sounds of life. Long live PG....

Anonymous said...

Indeed this album brings many memories....but who cares when these are great memories! It is difficult for me to tell one PG's song that I dislike. Every piece he has released is much above than anything else out there moreover in these times, so this new album will be in my top charts for a long time.
For the difference between the bright and dark is hard for me to spot it when I listen to them not one to one but I am pretty sure I will find out after the 100th round...
I hope we still have time to listen to at least one more album from our idol.

Thanks for your review that has motivated me to put down these lines, something that I do not usually do.

Best regards from Daniel in Spain