Friday, November 10, 2023




There is a 50/50 chance that this mix will go over, but what the hell?

Four songs each from four of my favorite artists, all taken from records released years after what many consider to be the last "good records" by any of them.

"What a drag it is getting old"

Now, I know what you're thinking. A few random choices extracted from a number of mediocre records proves nothing. Point taken. But I don't think these records are mediocre. Others do. With the exception of "Voodoo Lounge," I'll stand by all of the albums represented. Actually, most of the albums represented are some of my favorites by these artists.

One last thing-

My external CD burner crapped out on me, so until I replace it, this and future mixes, including the forthcoming Songs Of The Week mix will not be sequenced or tagged properly. Apologies, but you'll need to that yourself.


New burner arrived early. Link fixed. Mix is now tagged properly and includes the correct, Keith sung version of "Love Is Strong."


Fine Line- Paul McCartney
Can't Be Seen- Rolling Stones
Slow Burn- David Bowie
Soul Brother- Todd Rundgren
Jenny Wren- Paul McCartney
Love Is Strong (Keith Version)- Rolling Stones
When I Met You- David Bowie
Weakness- Todd Rundgren
Miracle Goodnight- David Bowie
Hold On To Your Hat- Rolling Stones
About You- Paul McCartney
Sleep- Todd Rundgren
New- Paul McCartney
Might As Well Get Juiced- Rolling Stones
God Bless The Girl- David Bowie
Past- Todd Rundgren



Sal Nunziato said...

Link works both internally and externally on my end. Maybe try a different browser. No issues on my end.

Anonymous said...

I like everything you've chosen. Everything except Hold On to Your Hat. If you were gonna go with 2 from SW, I woulda picked the other Keith song. Blinded By Love is cool by me too. Out of Tears has some nice moments. I like BTB quite a bit.

If you had to pick one song from each of these albums SW, VL. BTB, Bang - what would they be?

Also, if you were forced to pick from Dirty Work and Harlem Shuffle didn't count what would you choose?

VR - I really do need to crash

Michael Giltz said...

Well, surely we can all agree McCartney's Chaos & Creation in the Backyard is a masterpiece! (And New is close behind.) My only objection is that if I want to single out songs from late period Paul I absolutely would include "Winter Bird/ When Winter Comes" from Mccartney III, but that only proves the wealth of options.

And Bowie certainly ended on a very strong note, with at least four good to great albums in a row, starting with Heathen. (I'm having trouble tracking down all the Bowie songs and seeing from which albums. Lazy me!)

Todd is God and I'll leave it at that.

Sal Nunziato said...

If you had to pick one song from each of these albums SW, VL. BTB, Bang - what would they be?

Well, I did, though "Slipping Away" is up there with my fave Keef ballads. And there is nothing memorable on "Bigger Bang." I wouldn't know where to start.

Anonymous said...

The only song I couldn't find streaming is the Keith version of Love Is Strong (I did find video). What version of Voodoo Lounge is that from, or is it a B-side?

Will spin up my playlist shortly.

- Paul in DK

Sal Nunziato said...

Paul In DK
That version is from a 4 CD bootleg of Voodoo Lounge outtakes and alternates, with many of the tracks sung by Keith.

Noel M said...

Thanks for this mix.

Anonymous said...

Sal- I'm not a fan of a Bigger Bang either. But the early alternate version of "it won't take long" kinda smokes. its on a bootleg called abiggerbangearlymixes or the alterenate A Bigger Bang. I couldn't find it on youtube but you can download it from Guitars 101. It surprised me. The early take on let me down slow is also an improvement


Anonymous said...

I've got most of these in my digital hard drive, but the only ones I'm really familiar with are the Todd songs. I always enjoy the McCartney solo stuff you post as I've never given his catalog enough attention and need to spend more time with it.

Great idea for a mix, thanks!


steve simels said...

Only knew two of the Stones tracks…this looks interesting, thanks.

Chris Collins said...

Not only do I love this, but I've been obsessively listening to "Queenie Eye" lately and I still maintain that would have been a better "Magical Mystery Tour" song than either "Hello Goodbye" or "Fool On The Hill"

hpunch said...

I love the theme for the Weekend Mix

Anonymous said...


I just drove to the Wiltern to see Liz Phair. On the way we played your 4-way song selection in the car. The Bowie, McCartney,Todd songs plus Might As Well Get Juiced sound fantastic! The Steel Wheels stuff doesn't have the same fidelity. I never though the CD sounded good either, I also bought the LP when it came out, but its still in the shrink. Maybe the vinyl sounds warmer. But what I'm really calling to your attention is that the Love Is String you posted is not the Keith. It's an alternate with Mick from Voodoo Brew bootleg. The Keith version is on disc 1 of Voodoo stew. If you've already fixed, ignore this message. I never slept at all for the last 338 hours. Got a second wind after my trainer got my blood flowing. Just to be sure I don't fall out, I took some addys. I'm in a hell of a good mood. Get a rush from concerts. Got some new gear I'm checkin' out. Used it first a couple of nights ago on Crowell at the Coach House. Curious to see how Liz Phairs in this Guyville tour. Gotta run, excuse typos


Sal Nunziato said...

Regarding the Voodoo Lounge mix up---OOPS!
I am expecting the new CD burner this afternoon. I will correct the link soon after.
Apologies to all and thanks VR!

Sal Nunziato said...

For those who care:
New burner arrived early. Link fixed. Mix is now tagged properly and includes the correct, Keith sung version of "Love Is Strong."

That is all.

Guy Incognito said...

Agreed with most all these choices... but I would have found room for Only Mama Knows from Sir Paul. Top 5 solo/Wings track for me.

M_Sharp said...

Enjoy... yes! Thank you.