Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Travis Simmons: Part Two Of Two (Herlin Riley Arrives)


Here is the Groovemeister himself, Herlin Riley, effortlessly soloing, and playing that infectious New Orleans second line beat, right before the intermission this past Wednesday at The Bayou Bar. (see yesterday's post) Again, apologies for the lapel-camera video. It's a tight room.

I went back to The Bayou Bar on Friday, and sat with Stanton Moore at the bar. I asked if he had heard of this kid Travis Simmons, and he wasn't sure. I showed him a photo from Wednesday, and he said, "Oh yeah! I think he's been studying with Herlin Riley."

So there it is.

It's hard to find a bad drummer in New Orleans...though just wait until I move there. But getting to see both Herlin Riley and Travis Simmons, as well as not only hearing Stanton Moore's killer trio on Monday at The Columns, but getting to have a soft hang with him on Friday, are just a few reasons why I love that city. This shit would never happen at The Village Vanguard or the Blue Note, where it's $50 a person to walk in the door, and a $25 table minimum on top of it. And NO ONE on the bandstand will look at you, let alone talk to you.

Another amazing New Orleans night in the books.


Anonymous said...

Riley's the shit!


Anonymous said...

Sweet! I'm amazed that you could stand still to film it.

- Paul in DK

Michael Giltz said...

Plus, you posted at 4:30 in the morning! Sounds like a blast, but New Orleans always is, isn't it?

P.S. I lived in NYC for 30 years and almost never went to the jazz clubs except rare occasions when I got comped. Just way too expensive for a 40 minute set and so impersonal.

Sal Nunziato said...

I was not awake at 4:30 AM! Blogger is on west coast time.

Whattawino said...

Color me green!

Marc said...

Well, I have to say that I saw Russell Malone at the Vanguard about 5 years ago, and sat right up front, and he talked to me a little :) Not as cool as drinking at the bar with Stanton Moore, but it also wasn't totally impersonal. Maybe I was just lucky.

Please keep posting New Orleans music and stories!


Sal Nunziato said...

In 2010, I interviewed Stanton Moore for the Huffington Post. You can read it all here:

It is the last paragraph where he mentions the difference between New Orleans and New York. It has stuck with me ever since.

Marc said...

Thanks for that link. I had no idea that Stanton Moore had played with the New Orleans Klezmer Allstars! I have one of their CDs, but he's not on that one.

I really need to figure out a way to get back to New Orleans...
