Tuesday, December 19, 2023




Michael Giltz said...

Is that what AI says John and George would look like today? That Paul still has his deal with the devil to look the cutest.

steve simels said...

I can’t figure who Zack reminds me of.

buzzbabyjesus said...

The kids don't have "it".

Michael Giltz said...

What is Angela Lansbury doing on the cover of a Beatles single?

Anonymous said...

I look at A.I. as an entertaining toy quite brilliant if kept on a leash…we have brains and should be able to distinguish real from concocted just by vibe alone…but seriously who thinks an elderly George would look like Maggie Smith?

Anonymous said...

Offspring of left to right:

Frank Black (or Bob Mould)
David Lee Roth
Steve Diggle
Robyn Hithcock
