Sunday, January 7, 2024

Songs Of The Week, 2024: 12/30-1/5


Not The Girl You Think You Are- Crowded House
Popular Girl- Martin Newell
Pisces Apple Lady- Leon Russell
Alice In Blunderland- Captain Beefheart
Wrong Again- Squeeze
Roll Away The Stone- Mott The Hoople
Spirit In The Dark- Aretha Franklin


Not The Girl You Think You Are- Crowded House
This appeared as one of two bonus tracks on the first Crowded House hits collection after they broke up the first time. I loved it immediately, as it reminded me of Harry Nilsson.

Popular Girl- Martin Newell
Speaking of bonus tracks, this gem appeared on a random pressing of "The Greatest Living Englishman" with Andy Partridge, but then was removed for the "definitive" version of that album, leading me to believe Partridge had nothing to do with it. Bonus points if you can tell me what song Newell copped the melody of the chorus from. It's been driving me nuts for years.

Pisces Apple Lady- Leon Russell
If you love this album, and I do, I suggest tracking down the Kevin Gray master from 2017. You have never heard this record sound so full of life in your life, as it does on this pressing from Audio Fidelity. Trust me, vinyl heads.

Alice In Blunderland- Captain Beefheart
From my third favorite Beefheart record, "The Spotlight Kid," this features some fine guitar playing from Winged Eel Fingerling, aka Elliot Ingber.

Wrong Again- Squeeze
I first heard this song on Rockpile's "Seconds Of Pleasure" record. It took years before I tracked down the original.

Roll Away The Stone- Mott The Hoople
Because we all need to hear "Roll Away The Stone" a few times a year.

Spirit In The Dark- Aretha Franklin
A reminder that Aretha's "Spirit In The Dark" LP is a great way to begin your Sunday morning.


neal t said...

where did u find. the Squeeze tune?

Sal Nunziato said...

I have a 4 CD set that someone gave me years ago at the shop called "Four Different Kettles Of Fish" which collects about 70 b-sides and odd tracks from the very beginning through "Domino." "Wrong Again" was originally on a flexidisc give away with some U.K. magazine, I think.

Noel M said...

Looking forward to this, and thanks for the liner notes too. Happy Sunday Sal.

Michael Giltz said...

Re: POpular Girl. Not a clue! Fun mix.

Anonymous said...

Popular Girl => Of My Dreams starting off sounding a bit like Bram but then after that lost the bubble

Jimbo said...

Can't beat a bit of Mott, Thanks

art58koen said...

Wrong Way was issued on a 1979 sampler lp: Propaganda - No Wave II
This one was for the European market, and a slightly different version was made for the US & Canada:
I used to have both...

dogbreath said...

My goodness but it was nice to get that Squeeze tune again. First available from "Smash Hits" magazine (may it rest in peace) on a yellow or green flexi I believe. Tasty SOTW zip. Thanks and cheers!