Friday, March 22, 2024



How about a new occasional series?

Loosely using The Replacements' "Boink!!" as a template---6 album tracks, a b-side and an unreleased track---here are my choices to rep Ian Hunter.

I pulled out "Shades Of Ian Hunter" after it was mentioned in yesterday's comments, and it really is a smart set of songs. So this set of eight isn't trying to outdo that, so much as it is staying closer to the "Boink!!" format. I tried keeping it under 30 minutes as well, but that will be difficult moving forward.

Central Park N' West
Wash Us Away
Foxy Foxy
Rest In Peace
Your Eyes
23A, Swan Hill
I Wish I Was Your Mother
Women's Intuition



Brian said...

I like this idea. I was inspired by yesterday's post to seek out a copy of Boink!! but was put off by the price. So I assembled my own via a Spotify playlist. I fell for the Replacements back when Let It Be came out and later saw them once at the Center Stage in Atlanta. I knew they had a reputation for drunken misbehavior at their live shows, but everything went smoothly and it was a great show.

Looking forward to listening to the Ian Hunter Boink!! and future Boinks.

Guy Incognito said...

Cool idea

Anonymous said...

Hard to go wrong with Ian Hunter, especially when "I Wish I Was Your Mother" and "23A, Swan Hill" are included. Nice mix!

- Paul in DK

Michael Giltz said...

I've always enjoyed a good Boink!!

Anonymous said...

I've always loved Foxy Foxy, in fact, I pulled that one out of the ether last week to put on one of my Ipod playlists.

I'm always up for a new occasional series!


steve simels said...

Any CD with "I Wish I Was Your Mother" is aces in my book.

steve simels said...

Boinked Hunter.

Hmmm....sounds like a not so wonderful nouvelle cuisine entree.

cmealha said...

Before checking out the blog, I was listening to the new Ian Hunter that was released today. I really loved it and was thinking what a great artist he's been through all these years and how amazing it is that he's still producing such quality songs at his advanced age. Then I come here and see the post. Great timing. Good idea.

Anonymous said...

Add me to those endorsers of your idea. This blog expanded my admittedly paltry Queen and Thin Lizzy/Phil songlists with dedicated posts providing your comps, so maybe lightning will strike some more with more (albeit smaller) curated setlists.
Downloaded and waiting til I'm off work to listen.
C in California

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to expanding my horizons! Thank you for doing this, Professor N. (Would love to hear a Deep Purple boink someday!)
Kirke in Austin

FD13NYC said...

Cool! This should be interesting.

Noel M said...

Love this concept ... and I'll bet it will be hard to do for some artists!!!

Jimbo said...

Love it and you choose one of my favorite songs "I wish I was your Mother". Great work as always.