Sunday, June 16, 2024

Songs Of The Week, 2024: 6/8-6/14


Waves- Marjorie Fair
How Many Tears- Skeeter Davis- NRBQ
Got Nothing To Prove- The Who
Cradle To The Grave- Squeeze
Sum Up Broke- International Submarine Band
No Excuses- Alice In Chains
Wrong'Em Boyo- The Rulers


Waves- Marjorie Fair
One of the most British sounding bands to ever come out of New Jersey. "Self Help Serenade" was a favorite of mine in 2004 and then the band disappeared until 2016. Check out this track and their excellent 2004 debut.

How Many Tears- Skeeter Davis & NRBQ
Recorded in 1981, released in 1985 and then remastered and reissued with bonus tracks just last week, this is an underrated classic from two legendary artists.

Got Nothing To Prove- The Who

One of a handful of bonus tracks spread across the various iterations of The Who's 2019 release. This was a 1966 demo for "A Quick One" that Kit Lambert rejected. So, Pete Townshend took the original vocal, added new orchestration and voila!

Cradle To The Grave- Squeeze

Played this album a few times over the last few weeks. A late career masterpiece from Difford and Tilbrook. Here is the irresistible title track.

Sum Up Broke- International Submarine Band
Gram Parsons' first single, a year before the debut ISB record. This is a killer.

No Excuses- Alice In Chains
I played this one in a short-lived band about 30 years ago. Wasn't bad. This is much better.

Wrong'Em Boyo- The Rulers
You might know this from The Clash's "London Calling." Maybe you didn't know the original. This has been a very hard record to find for years, but is now part of an excellent new collection from Trojan Records called "Let's Do Rock Steady (The Soul Of Jamaica)." Check it out HERE.


Anonymous said...

Funny International Submarine Band's Sum Up Broke has just been mentioned on Saturday on Dan's Garage blog. And it's not country rock !

Anonymous said...

I've got a pretty sizable collection of music on a external hard drive and the past few months I've been exploring stuff that I'm never listened to very much, and just a couple of weeks ago I opened up the Majorie Fair folder - great stuff, have you heard their 2016 release?

The only ISB I've heard is Safe At Home - wasn't aware of any earlier music they did.

Love the Rulers track!

Great mix... again!


Noel M said...

Thanks for this!

Anonymous said...

Waves- Marjorie Fair

Loved the first LP and the Square On Square EP that followed about five years later.

Sum Up Broke- International Submarine Band

I heard this on the radio one time. Dave Diamond played it on KBLA Burbank. Didn't get a copy until I took possession of a radio station's library in the early 80's. Probably more WLP's circulating than stock copies.

No Excuses- Alice In Chains

The golden age of grunge.

Wrong'Em Boyo- The Rulers

It's on a bunch of different Trojan comps from 1980'a to now

Thanks Sal. I kinda forgot a rose of another name


Anonymous said...

Hope it's not too late to comment, as I just got to this.
This may be my favorite of these mixes you've put out; eclectic and crazy tuneful. Thanks tons! That Skeeter tune sounds like it could've come out any time in the last 25 years, it's gorgeous.
C in California

Sal Nunziato said...

Never too late to comment, C.

Ken D said...

Thanks for alerting me to the Skeeter/Q rerelease!
Listening to it now. What a treat.