Monday, July 15, 2024



Rob said...

Looks like a must read to me, Sal. Congratulations on completing the project and I hope it finds the reception you hope for. Now, how can I buy a copy?

George said...

Congratulations, Sal! Can't wait to read it.

Noel M said...

Wait, what? Dude, this is a major announcement ... looking forward to more info.

pmac said...

Wow!!! Congrats, Sal! Looking forward to reading it.

hpunch said...

Love the title, love the cover.

kevin m said...

Need to read this. Link to buy?

M_Sharp said...

Very cool! Congratulations, I'm looking forward to buying it.

Whattawino said...

THIS IS THE SHIT! HOT DAMN! Couldn’t be more happy and excited for you, Sal…Can’t wait to read it, sir!

buzzbabyjesus said...


steve simels said...


paulinca said...

Such a tease! More details, please! I cannot wait to read this!!!


Troy said...

Congrats on finishing your book! Look forward to reading it.

JD said...

Awesome. Looking forward your book so much. How do we purchase a copy?

Christopher said...

Congratulations! The cover looks great!

elroy said...

Awesome, a must-buy!

cmealha said...


Chris S. said...

Looking forward to the read!

Shriner said...

Congratulations for finishing it (or at least finishing the cover -- haha). I know writing a book can be a long journey, so that's an accomplishment to be proud of!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Sal, I know it's been quite a journey for you.


Mr. Baez said...

Fantastic! Congratulations. Will this be out soon? Be a great late summer read.

Sal Nunziato said...

Thanks everyone for the kind words, the encouragement over the years and the enthusiasm now. There are a few things in the works and as soon as I get closer to the actual release date, you guys will be the first to find out where and how to buy it.

Tonym said...

Can't wait to meet some of the characters you've known over the decades.

Guy Incognito said...

Really looking forward to reading this!

Ken D said...

You know I'm eager to read this.

Noel M said...

Maybe once you publish it, we could all post it on our social media platforms - for those who'd like to - to help get the word out.

Also, Amazon reviews and such.

Sal, are you self-publishing it or is it with a publisher?

Art58Koen said...

Really cool! From the parts you've posted in the past here it should be a fun read!

Christine said...

I'm so excited for you I could just scream! I cannot wait to read it and spread the news.

Rick said...

Hey Sal - Rick from Germany here,

great news indeed.
As soon as you are able to tell us something about the
publishing details, I'll figure out how to get my hands
on a copy over here. I'm not exactly what you could call
an 'ardent Amazon supporter'. Come to think of it, quite
the opposite. But in this case,I think,I'll ignore my distaste for that company.
Looking forward to it.


Anonymous said...

Been away for a while and just saw this. Psyched! Can't wait to get a copy. Congrats!

Bruce H