Thursday, July 4, 2024

Have A Safe & Happy 4th



D said...

...all so true
enjoy the 4th

Jobe said...

How can this shit keep happening? A Supreme Court that's in his pocket, Aileen Cannon overseeing his trial, sentencing postponed till September 18th (the day Jimi Hendrix died) it seems that the deck is stacked in his favor and no one wants to step up and say ENOUGH!!!! When is the bottom going to drop out on this idiot. I'm so frustrated. I hope there are still enough rational people that show up in November or we are all in for a world of shit.

Cmealha said...

Can you cc: everybody else? Have a happy 4th.

stewrat said...

How do you follow someone of whom you are actually afraid. I guess I answered my own question. Let's hope we can still celebrate the 4th the way I have for my entire life.

steve simels said...

I’ve never spent the 4th in a monarchy before.😎

Whattawino said...

Are these Dylan lyrics today?

buzzbabyjesus said...

"Brothers! Sisters! We don't that fascist groove thing!

Jobe said...

Another thing I'm pissed about, is djt has said he wants Israel to "Finish The Job" and if these protesters don't think Biden's done enough to stop the massacre, what the F are they gonna do if old Orange Julius wins the presidency?

Michael Giltz said...


Noel M said...

Amen. It's truly sad the state we find ourselves in, with the possibility of The Cheetoh Fiend being back in office.

We all have to vote, and all have to help get out the vote as well.

Anonymous said...

fuck asshole....

Sal Nunziato said...

One of the ignorant deplorables has spoken. Good one!