Wednesday, July 24, 2024


Just about everybody has come on board now. Nancy Pelosi finally endorsed Kamala Harris on Monday. (Barack Obama, for reasons known only to himself, remains in that rarefied region above grubby political reality where he seems most comfortable.) All of the Squad. All of the rumored vice-presidential candidates. Many of the money men, and a whopping parade of small donors. It’s taken a little more than a day. Democrats just don’t do stuff like this. The only harshers of the mellow are the “open convention” types, who have been deprived of the West Wing cosplay of their dreams, and the Republicans, who have completely lost whatever was left of their minds. 

As to the former, Aaron Sorkin has taken back his weird endorsement of Mitt Romney, which doesn’t necessarily mean I was wrong to suspect that he got the opinion editors of The New York Times drunk when he sold them that idea. And the GOP? Well, Speaker Mike Johnson is out there threatening lawsuits that are transparently meritless even by Republican standards (and yes, I’m aware of the various walking land mines salted throughout the federal judiciary) and demanding that the president resign because he, Speaker Moses, says so. But there’s no better example of GOP panic than the fact that Stephen Miller, onetime second runner-up in his town’s Josef Goebbels Lookalike Contest, has become every first grader who ever lost a game of Chutes and Ladders. 

From the Daily Beast: “They held a primary!” Miller squealed in response. “People—they had ballots! They filled out circles that went to the voting booths! They spent money on advertisements, and as President Trump said, the Republican Party spent tens of millions of dollars running against Joe Biden. Now they’ve just woke up one morning and said: ‘Never mind, we’re canceling the entire primary, we’re getting rid of our candidate, and we’re pretending the election has never even happened and we’re gonna let donors handpick a new nominee.... They’re publicly admitting that they are an oligarchy.... This is as full-frontal an attack on American democracy as we’ve ever seen in the history of America’s major political parties.” “It’s no fairrrrrrrrrrrr! Daaaadddddyyyyy!” 

Much of the praise directed at President Biden since his withdrawal has cited the extraordinary patriotism and selflessness of the act, all of it deserved. But let’s not overlook how deftly the president played the politics of this unique situation. He timed his withdrawal—and Vice President Harris’s ascension—perfectly. By dividing the announcement and his endorsement of Harris into separate stories, he guaranteed at least two days of glowing coverage to boost the new ticket, during which time the money could start rolling in, which became yet another day of solid free media. However, when this is all over in the fall, the Democrats will need a serious self-examination of how it all went down. The weeks of intramural sniping at Biden that culminated in his withdrawal is no less unforgivable just because it came to a soft landing with everybody happy. The party needs to look closely at who it allows to exercise that kind of power over this important decision. Joe Biden isn’t going to be around forever to do the right thing.


Jim G said...

You make a lot of good points Sal, and its's always nice to hate on the loathsome Stephen Miller and Mike Johnson, but one of the questions Democrats need to answer is why they let it get to this point when it's been an open secret that Joe has been in decline for some time. Lots of people to blame: Joe, his family and prominent Democrats who knew but lacked the courage to tell him to step aside earlier. It's too late for an open convention but those (not Republicans) who say that anointing Harris at this point robs some people of choice are not entirely wrong. And Republicans are surely going to make it a campaign issue against Harris.

I'm glad they took decisive action, but it may have been too late and certainly could have been avoided. Joe and the party royalty gambled that he could somehow withstand the rigors of what was going to be a tough campaign as his already diminished cognitive abilities continued to decline. He's clearly not up to the task of campaigning effectively and quite frankly may not be completely up to the task of being President at this point, although I think he can make it through the next six months (Reagan did). But Democrats may have lost the Presidency (and maybe Congress) as a result. And we all know what that means.

Sal Nunziato said...

Hi Jim G.,
Let's be clear. I didn't make any points. I merely shared Charles Pierce's writing, which I admit, I loved. Yes it should not have gotten to this point. Not sure I understand the mixed feelings of Joe's "open secret decline" followed by making it "through the next six months (Reagan did.)" And I don't believe at all that Democrats have lost the presidency. I do know, I can't take the bullshit and the lies and the hatred and the felonies and the ignorance and the racism and the hatred and the misogyny and the stupidity and the lies and the hatred anymore. (Did I mention felonies and lies and hatred and stupidity?)

John Joyce said...

Thank you, Sal. Like you, I am tired "of the bullshit and the lies and the hatred and the felonies and the ignorance and the racism and the hatred and the misogyny and the stupidity and the lies and the hatred" spewing from the Nazis. I mean the GOP.

steve simels said...

Pierce is a national treasure.

Jobe said...

I don't give a damn who the Democratic nominee is I'm voting for him/her. I know that a vote for one ear hearing will set this country back. Those of you that think Mr. Tinnitus isn't coming for you are in for a wonderful surprise

Michael Giltz said...

Hey Charles, "The party needs to look closely at who it allows to exercise that kind of power over this important decision.' Umm, there is no one in charge to make the important decision of who to run and when etc. If there were, the powers that be on the right would have prevented Trump from being the nominee. Like many, many Presidents before him, Biden declined while in office but thought he needed to win one more election to stop Trump/win the war/end Vietnam etc. I mean, he was doing the job. He thought he could make it through the election and was best positioned to win. I was wishing he'd stepped down as a one term but was rooting for him and hoping there'd be no health issue pop up before the election...but there was. So we had this extraordinary situation, as we did with Truman and LBJ to name recent examples. People can't tell Biden not to run and they can't tell him to step aside because no one is in charge in a democracy. I mean sure, when the big donors stop donating that's a huge impact. But no one was obliged to donate to Biden's reelection campaign, so not exactly a coup. Many Presidents have been infirm and even incapacitated like Reagan and Wilson. Nothing new. Nothing to fix. And a remarkable act of selflessness that may well have come at the perfect time, after Trump picked his hateful VP and they wasted all their ammo on hitting on the age theme. Hahaha. Kamala doesn't immediately solve all our problems and guarantee victory, but I'm v hopeful.

JB said...

I skipped past the headline and started reading and quickly realized that I had read it before, over at CP’s place at Esquire. Nice to see it shared here. My .02:

VP Harris was the natural, logical and rightful candidate to take his place. Most of the people complaining about the process, or her being “anointed” or the lack of an open convention are pundits who wanted to be able to write or chatter about the frequent chaos of an open convention. Others who’ve piped up are people who are usually busy trying to suppress the votes of Democrats. I think we know their intentions.

For the millions of us who still have PTSD from election night 2016, the debate triggered us into great despair that it was happening again. The President’s selfless decision has flipped the script.

The historic fundraising, organizing, and volunteering that has followed this change at the top of the ticket speaks for itself. To borrow a phrase from the one eared racist rapist insurrectionist, “nobody’s ever seen anything like it.“

buzzbabyjesus said...

Joe had to go. The circumstances were complicated. Bowing out with grace lets him quit a winner. When Kamala wins he goes down in history as the man who saved Democracy. Win/win.

ScenicRuns said...

I think you answered this yourself...Biden and Co. made a smart political move to wait until the GOP Primary was over. They obviously didn't feel a bit of name-calling from the other side about Biden's aggressive "I'm not quitting" stance would hold up in the face of a new campaign.

jeff said...

Thanks for this. I'm also a big fan of Pierce and like the Goebbels-Miller comparison. I do disagree with him on Biden's stepping back from re-election. I thought the democratic process worked fine. I also think that it's been clear for a while that Biden isn't well (my guess is it's Parkinson's) and he should have backed away earlier, content that he'd leave office as maybe the greatest single term president in our history. I think the powers that be convinced him it would be the patriotic thing to do to leave; he didn't want to bow out. But I also think the timing has worked out great. There's a joy in Harris that's infectious. "We won't go back," is a perfect slogan, much better than, "Hey, I got shot," which is all Trump's got. My guess is that Band-aid will soon be the size of a baseball glove and he's already negotiating for someone to take out his other ear. Mostly, I find myself looking forward to this campaign, not dreading it as I had been. I'm still convinced our problems are bigger than Trump or Biden, but right now it's good to feel good again.

M_Sharp said...

I've been following Charles Pierce for a while, he always has great insights, and will call out Dems, too. Biden was a great President, he certainly brought our country back, and then some. When I turn down my hatred for Donald Trump a notch and get somewhat realistic, I doubt very much that he could have done half of what Biden has achieved. Biden's bipartisan Infrastructure Plan in 10 months proved that.

I wasn't sure that Biden would be healthy enough for another four years, and that horrible debate performance clinched it. Fortunately, he made the right decision. I suppose Covid isolation gave him some time to reflect. So many Dems turning against him had to have hurt.

Watching the GOP freak out after they spent their entire convention, and their campaign so far, dumping on old man Biden is hilarious! Now that there's only one decrepit white man in the race, all the people who probably didn't want to choose between two old white men can step and vote. They've donated a ton of money to Harris in just a few days, and I'm very optimistic that she can destroy Trump and Project 2025. U S A # 1!

Anonymous said...

Charles Pierce... huge Dylan, The Who and Montreal Canadiens fan. What's not to like?

Jim G said...

Sal, you're right, I forgot you were reposting Charles Pierce. The sentence I wrote about about Joe's "open secret decline" and making it through the next six months refers to GOP whining that if he is not up to running, Biden should resign the Presidency and me pointing out that Reagan was in decline in his final months and was able to hide it and finish his term. And I also am heartily sick of the lies, BS, felonies and stupidity. I don't believe they have lost the Presidency yet, but I am a pessimist and the campaign will be a difficult one. I definitely am more encouraged than I was on Saturday. Then again, if Harris wins they will start the accusations about voter fraud . . .

M_Sharp said...

I hope you've been following the JD Vance couch memes, I've collected at least a dozen good ones. I'm hoping they get so prolific that the late night hosts start showing them and the Sofa King has to make some kind of clarification about the incident!
I made a good one for Stephen Miller a few years ago- it's him with his malevolent stare, and the caption is: "It puts the lotion on it's skin, or else it gets the hose again!"

Anonymous said...

Old puppet out. New puppet in. Saving democracy my ass. The oligarch donors have spoken. All media (left or right) are pulling the wool over our eyes while they fuel the hatred and spin the lies into truth. Joe Biden is no more a hero than Trump is a Nazi. It's all about the machine we think we're raging against. But we're actually its sustenance.


Anonymous said...

Agree with just about all of the above. We should have never elected someone who'd be in his eighties at the end of his first term, but Biden was the best shot at removing Trump, a completely unacceptable human being. Exhibit A of why 5 years olds are not permitted to be president. Not being ageist, but being president is brutal - it wears them all down, except Trump, since he never seemed to take the responsibility seriously. Very disturbing that roughly half the voters range from being ok to rabidly enthusiastic for someone Putin actively worked to help get elected, and then tried everything to prevent the transfer of power after he lost. Sedition. Traitor.

Anonymous said...

This is the United States. We're free to believe any lies which we perceive to be our truth. I'm cynical, not partisan. I've got no appetite for propaganda and shrill over-simplified ranting rooted in specious "facts." Deranged factionalism has largely replaced the free and easy exchange of ideas. By and large, the hate-fomenting press has been extremely irresponsible and have lost all credibility. Faith in our government institutions has deservedly collapsed. But, never fear, Joe Biden is still our president. America is an idiocratic shit show.