Sunday, August 4, 2024

Songs Of The Week, 2024: 7/27-8/2


The Second Sitting For The Last Supper- 10cc
Sugar Mama- Led Zeppelin
Dirty Harry- Lalo Schifrin
Why Must I Cry- Peter Tosh
Ms. Grace- The Tymes
She May Be Yours (But She Comes To See Me Sometimes)- Joe Hill Louis
Before The Drugs Wear Off- Nashville Pussy


The Second Sitting For The Last Supper- 10cc
(10cc opened with this fave last week and so I open with it this week.)

Sugar Mama- Led Zeppelin
(For years this early track was only a rumor. It finally surfaced officially on the deluxe edition of "Coda.")

Dirty Harry- Lalo Schifrin
(Found a fan made collection of 60's and 70's movie themes recently and was happy to see this fave of mine make the cut. Love the entire score of this film.)

Why Must I Cry- Peter Tosh
(Lovely enough to possibly get through to the ardent non-reggae supporters. At least, that's my hope.)

Ms. Grace- The Tymes
(Their 60's summer hit "So Much In Love" has been a favorite of mine for years. Wasn't a big fan of their 70's disco period, but this popped up the other day on a compilation of "Beach Music" and man, it is good.)

She May Be Yours (But She Comes To See Me Sometimes)- Joe Hill Louis
(The first chapter of Lenny Kaye's recent book "Lightning Striking" is all about Memphis and Elvis and Jerry Lee. You think you've heard it all before, but then he drops names like Joe Hill Louis and you realize, there's always more. This knocked me out.)

Before The Drugs Wear Off- Nashville Pussy
(Tried hard for a coherent "Grab them by the Nashville Pussy" joke, but I failed. Just the song will have to do.)

Hey, just a reminder. Comments are welcome. 

I know it's summer and the weather has been brutal and Don Whoreleon has been extra STOOPID lately, so maybe y'all are distacted or at your lake house or on summer safari, but never forget, it's no fun playing to an empty house. Was surprised to see such indifference to last week's Gillian Welch/David Rawlings/John Paul Jones post, and yesterday's gorgeous Toussaint/Mehldau post got even less of a reaction. 

Say hello occasionally.


steve simels said...

Can’t wait to hear the Nashville Pussy song.😎

Anonymous said...

You do a real good job with the blog kid!

Captain Al

Anonymous said...

Thank you! :)

Anonymous said...

Love the Lalo Schifrin and Peter Tosh.

- Paul in DK

Cleveland Jeff said...

I'm here supporting your reggae thang
We may be in the minority, but maybe they don't know how to chill

Cleveland Jeff said...

Oh and although I didn't comment yesterday, Allan Toussaint is always welcome

JD said...

10cc, Lalo Schifrin and Joe Hill Louis in the same playlist. What an awesome day!!! Thanks.

Michael Giltz said...

"The Second Sitting For The Last Supper"? Wait, were you in charge of the Opening Ceremony for the Olympics??!! :)

Anonymous said...

Wow!! That Tymes track is a keeper!


kodak ghost said...

LOved the Toussaint/Mehldau piece... where did you find that! Also impressed by the Corey Harris.. and looking forward to the new Welch/Rawlings if your clip is anything to go by. And you have made me go back and listen to the Rascals! Cheers... we are all here, even if we dont contribute much!

Anonymous said...

That Tymes track is on heavy rotation on the Carolina Beach Music channel I listen to on AccuRadio. rs

Anonymous said...

Can't speak for anyone else, but for some unknown time when I tried to comment, Blogger told me I have to sign in, which I refuse to do. The moments (here and at PowerPop) have passed, so I won't do retroactive comments. But I was able to comment at PP a couple days ago, so I guess the issue is resolved.
Being huge Gillian and Dave fans, I've had that cut with JPJ for years, so I probably wouldn't've commented anyway. But I can say I love today's SOTD (being one of your reggae/blue beat/ska/rocksteady readers), call CCR my favorite band, and paid extra for an import copy to get that Wild Tchoups album back when I couldn't find a domestic copy, so I'm happy to let you know you and the blog are firing on all cylinders!
C in California

Marc said...

The Peter Tosh track is good (then again, I'm not a reggae hater). I liked the Toussaint/Mehldau piece as well.
I just finished reading Chris Blackwell's memoir, which you might like. He's quite candid about Peter Tosh not liking him.


Anonymous said...

hello occasionally!

Anonymous said...

Harry, Tosh, Tymes & Hill Louis are a great 4-punch. I knew about JHL. As you're undoubtedly aware, Japan was preserving a lot of rare culty R&B. This started in the 80's on P-Vine Records. I bought the majority of the label's phenomenal releases. I treasure them. They put out a compilation LP of Hill's which featured more stuff than I knew existed.

Dirty Harry is, without a doubt, Lalo's best OST. I like Bullitt too, but it's a different trip. Magnum Force (which I used to call a boyfriend of mine) had some good stuff as well. I dunno why, but sometimes the Mannix theme song earworms me to near madness. Imagine having an episode of insomnia with Mannix on a continuous loop playing loudly in your head.

Looking forward to seeing 10cc in about ten days. As it's a greatest hits tour, I suppose the sets don't vary much.

Nashville Pussy I've kinda got over them.

The Zeppelin tune is a throwaway. Imagine "Sugar Mama" stinking up the first album. Not only that, but I like the mix on the bootleg I have better. Nice to have, but bot essential. Now if they could just dig up a clean BBC master to "Sunshine Woman." On that number, they really get it on. It cooks. Both "Sugar" and "Sunshine" have been on bootlegs since the early 1990's


Sal Nunziato said...

I really enjoyed Blackwell's book.

dogbreath said...

Hello occasionally! The Tymes' track was a guilty pleasure way back when and the Dirty Harry theme made my day. A lot of parentheses going on in your post (Do you think so?) (Yes, I do) but it's a great little SOTW zipped up in a, er, zip. Many thanks for sharing. Cheers!