Friday, August 2, 2024

X's Fantastic Final Bow


The new X record, "Smoke & Fiction," which they say will be their last, is damn good.

What a way to go!


Anonymous said...

Ga\lad to hear it's a good one. I'm going to pick it up today.
Catch them on tour if you can. They are still pretty good.


Anonymous said...

I second what Sal and Jim say, except to trade Jim's 'pretty' to 'very'.
C in California

Allan Rosenberg said...

I'm seeing X up here in Albany in September, I'm so psyched!

The new album sounds great!

Captain Al

Michael Giltz said...

Their all-male tribute band will be called XY

elroy said...

Really nice article from their hometown paper:

Hopefully it is not behind a paywall...

Anonymous said...

One of the few California punk bands that really counted back in the days along with Dead Kennedys and Gun Club.