Thursday, September 19, 2024

Hello The Darkness, My Old Friends



Released a ridiculous six months ahead of the new album, "Dreams On Toast," please enjoy a lovely piece of pop perfection from The Darkness, channeling Queen, ELO and even a little bit of the Maels on "The Longest Kiss."

And in his own words, here is Justin Hawkins, never taking himself too seriously, on the making of the song.


Whattawino said...

I ask you, what’s not to like? Delightful!

Michael Giltz said...

His comments were amusing. Six months is crazy long, but I guess this is the era of drop what you have when you want.



Bill said...

Hey, that's pretty good! A lovely end to the summer. Where should I start with this band?

Sal Nunziato said...

Bill, the link is dead. I'll do my best to upload again soon, but this playlist is what I'd start with.

Shriner said...

I want more! 6 months is too long to wait! I could be dead by then!

Sal Nunziato said...

How's this for perspective-- my friend said, "It'll be spring training before it comes out." 2024 baseball season still isn't over!

Anonymous said...

Totally Tits!