I woke up to an email from a friend. The last line was, "Keep having to remind myself, it’s a marathon and not a sprint- 4 days already feels like 4 years." There was other stuff in the email, but I focused on that line.
The bottom line is, I am drained. Wiped out mentally and emotionally.
I have no business. I can't give records away. This is making matters worse. It reminds me too much of the last days of NYCD when everyone was sorry to see us go, but still walked out of the store empty handed. I know, as long as you have your health. Well, not having a few bucks in your pocket to pay bills isn't a very healthy way to live.
I don't feel funny or particularly inspired.
I spent years writing and finishing my book. I put blood, sweat and tears into that baby. Well, it's done. Now what? (Exactly.)
I spend everyday doomscrolling, a very unhealthy way to pass the time. It makes for great entertainment on Saturday's Instagram Dump, but along with the hilarious memes, comes the other shit. And I am tired of it.
I expect some of you to come at me anonymously with your insensitive comments, ranging anywhere from "Grow a dick, drama queen" to "Die die die die die," both of which are real, by the way. Those cowards can go fuck themselves. I also know that many of you feel the way I do, and your commiserating is a welcome shot in the arm.
I am not shutting down Burning Wood. I'll be here. I hope as a good distraction. I just can't promise much commentary. Finding a weird b-side is supposed to be the happy distraction from the mess, except the mess is too horrible and unbelievable. That musical "find" doesn't seem to be cutting it.
Still, I'll do my best.
Thanks for reading.
Thanks for being here. I truly appreciate all you do for all of us. There are many of us who can relate to the four days seems like four years. I look for small victories and work hard to still find pleasure in finding a kick-ass track that if new to me. On the short list of things I look forward to in 2025 is your book. So, thanks for keeping all of this going.
Keep on keeping on. I come here every day for the suggestions and the commentary and am always enlightened. I don't buy many records, so I guess I'm no help there, but I do recommend this site to my vinyl addicted friends. Like your friend said, it's a marathon. Hope you have a good day.
Hi Sal- this place is a light during these dark times. Have always appreciated the work you put into it so whatever you feel like posting I'll be happy to read. Speaking of reading, I can't wait to read your book. There's all sorts of writers bypassing traditional publishers and selling digitally on Amazon.
I know the feeling, Sal. Hang in there….
This is always one of my first and most entertaining reads of the day ....
I feel broken and hopeless as each day becomes more of a nightmare that I can't wake up from. The fact that half the country or more has let their demons run free and the accomplishments of the last 50 years or more has been destroyed and will get even worse haunts me. I feel like a shadow and don't know where the world will end up. I still try to drive my creative interests to find something. I hope you find your pathway to some thread of something to keep you going.
Dude, I'm in agreement with your feelings. I can't help but believe that it's only January and the shit has hit the fans. If it is a marathon, then by December were gonna finish in last place. However still looking for those 20th Century Masters whose linear notes are composed by one of my favorite writers. (See The Tubes)
Hey one more thing that might make you smile, if you're so inclined is Robert Fithen's channel over at YouTube this guy does a great job with music
If it helps, you're not alone. My business, in my country has had a major collapse the last few years - last year was my worst ever but there are slivers of a sign that things might just bounce back a little. I'm clinging to that but at least there is something to cling to. The internet may just fill up a lot of time but it's not great for the mental health, so I took to filling up some of the time by getting out and getting on my bike. It helps.
As far as BW goes, I'll take whatever I can get - it will always be my first stop of the day.
Keep that record spinning.
I'm with you on how shitty this year has started. I went through a bunch of "best of 2024" lists for albums I haven't heard yet and it's been hard to generate a lot of enthusiasm for some pretty-good stuff that I missed out on. But one thing I did *really* like has been "One of a Kind" by The Heavy Heavy. It's retro in a poppy-reverb-heavy-Jefferson-Airplane-kind-of-sound and it's brought some joy me -- at least until the next time the news comes on again.
Amen. But we all have to hang on, somehow. Focus on the good--like your book, for instance. That one's a winner. Get it out there, whatever it takes. And, of course, music.
preach, Sal. We gotta pace ourselves. As I have told too many people, this is part of their plan--to flood us with bullshit, exhaust with too much to try to react to, and hope that when they back off the batshit craziest we'll be so relieved we'll except the rest of the horrorshow. So, we hunker down, we wait it out for a bit, we focus on what might be our last, best chance, the elections in two years, and we fight--low, slow, quietly if necessary. These fuckers are on the wrong side of history--and more than a few of them know it; it is why they are fighting so furiously. It may take a generation--and I'll be gone--but they're gonna lose.
Hang in and take care of yourself. I love you, Sal.
Always remember how much we appreciate everything you do for us!
Be well Sal.
We're all going through it. Just hangin there and we'll get through it together. Just concentrate on the music. That's where the joy is,
Hang in there, Sal. You're also a highlight of my daily go-to blogs. You've laid out what so many of us are thinking & feeling. All of the commenters above make great points but I align more with eric. "they're gonna lose." And how!
Massive LOVE to the Wood Man!
Sal - I’m sorry to hear that you’re not doing well. I wish I could totally ignore what has already happened, and what I believe might, and probably will, happen, but I can’t.
You’re right, doomscrolling is very unhealthy. I’ve cut back on watching and reading the news & commentary, and when a Trump sycophant/asshole starts droning about how great he is, I change the channel. I wish I could do an Elvis on the TV, but I can’t afford to buy a new TV every day.
Distractions are a great help. Obsessing over things I can’t change isn’t. I’ve gotten back into things I enjoy that I’ve ignored, and that’s been fun.
I don’t know much about publishing, except that Da Capo Press used to publish music books, and they’re part of Hachette now.
I hope you keep doing Burning Wood, even music without much commentary is fine.
This might be a good distraction, if only for a minute- I grabbed the photo of Donald trying kiss Melania, but he can’t, because the brim of her hat is too big. (I’m sure that was deliberate). The caption I put on it says: “When he’s so disgusting that you wear a hat that stops him from kissing you”. HA!
Completely understandable, especially in these times. So whatever, however, whenever you choose to cope, is fine...just, please, choose to cope.
Your blog and effort are one of the ways I (and based on comments ) the get through the moment, the rest of the day and whatever is barrelling down on us all. Your wit makes me smile; your journey in music discovery/rediscovery delights us , and your insights and even the moments of rage, even have helped in ways you may not fully realize.
So take a step back and as you turn to the very things that give you pleasure, a momentary escape, a moment of peace of mind...turn the volume up to 11, and block out the distractions and the assholes.
I understand what you write and feel for you. It's harder for those who wear their heart on their sleeves - up is wondeful, down is dangerous. Hold on. I know it's become a clichè, but this too will pass. Please believe it.
BW is a safe harbor during these stormy days. I've always love and appreciate all that you do and share. Sal, please take care of yourself and do what you need to do. Looking forward to reading your book when it gets published.
I've enjoyed your writing for many years. Whatever and whenever you post I'll be reading. Sign me up to buy the book. It's going to be hard but try not to let the bastards get you down. That's what they want. Wishing you all the best in health and happiness.
Sal, for what it's worth, I am retired from many years as an editor in so-called traditional publishing and would be happy to assist in any way I can to get your ms. to someone in a position to do something about it. A long shot, it's true, but a shot in any event. Before you turn to the black hole of Amazon hucksterism (bitter? me?), if you want to get in touch with me directly, we can discuss it. --Muzak McMusics
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this topic as well as all those you share that are on the topic of music. Can't believe we have another 4 years of this shit to get through.
Trump and Musk have a lot of momentum right now and it seems almost impossible to fight back. But they will certainly overplay their hand and this feeling of inevitability will start slipping as they make mistake after mistake after mistake, as their history shows will happen.
But I feel awful about the harm to come to the disadvantaged and everything we wll will lose, and all the work we will have to do to right the ship over the next decade - at least.
I feel there are many the world over who are in the same boat as yourself, but we feel especially for you and your friends in the US who are directly affected by the rage and vindictiveness of the man.
I think that in a short time many Americans will wake up and say “this isn’t what we voted for” (rather like Brexit in UK), but then, of course it will be too late.
I also read The Contrarian on Substack. Good writing by some fearless journalists But, of course not read by many!
Hang in there. The world is watching.
I hope these comments have lifted you up a bit, Sal. I agree with Eric’s views.
I have followed the news since I was a teenager during Watergate. I worked in news and communications for decades. But I am keeping the news at arms length these days, for my mental health.
I get the gist from a few headlines and a few trusted analysts, but I am not swimming around in the details like I used to. There’s no point.
I think the day will come when good people will stand together or act together to protect the country that we thought we lived in. Until then please hold on to your mental health with both hands. Much as I was entertained by the Saturday stuff, I wasn’t thinking about what you had to wade around in to find the odd gem. I can live without it… I’d rather have you happy, and have BW still here as a sanctuary.
Music (and wine) are what keeps me going. I love your commentary and passion and you being an old fuck like me means I am here everyday to feel it all. Get some vitamin D (when it warms up) and muddle like the rest of us. Thanks Sal!
Burning Wood is for me akin to a beacon from a lighthouse guiding us weary travelers through the treacherous waters. I am so grateful that you work so hard to provide us all with a breath of fresh air amidst putrid stench of what's happening. You are not alone and you are appreciated. Thank you, really THANK YOU for being light in the darkness.
I don't comment often, but do check the site often. The content is consistently great. As I reside in a state run by crooked minions of Combover Caligula (including my congressman, who was TFG's White House candy man last time), it's pretty damn terrifying (in particular for my LGBTQ+ family and friends). It will probably get worse before it gets better. Thanks for curating this place where we can enjoy great music and hear great stories.
It is definitely baffling for people who are not American (like myself) why Americans voted for this in such large numbers. I think we have reached a point where it just has to get REALLY bad for enough Americans to wake up and say 'never again'. It's not a 'left/right' thing - it's a vote for obvious corruption, authoritarianism and just plain incompetence. If you put enough idiots in charge, the whole thing will eventually fall down - I know this is a tough lesson but the USA needs to learn it.
Its a marathon, not a sprint, and as exhausted as I feel, I want to be around to see it when the revolt finally occurs.
While I shouldn't be surprised that some asshole trolls would go out of their way to send shitty comments to you like 'Die Die Die Die' -- after all, there're enough asshole trolls out there to elect a vile rapist grifting traitor simpleton for president -- it still blows me away that someone would come to this place to take in your content, even when you've been clear for years where your heart lies, and go after you for it. And therein lies the key: like other commentors here, I used to be an avid daily consumer of US news, and I dropped that habit after the election. Of course I still hear bits and pieces from folks around me, but I knew to actively consume the poison emanating from this country's ignorant masses was going to drag me down, so I stopped. That your trolls don't have the will power to stop looking at BW if they know your thoughts are going to trigger them, speaks to their lack of maturity as thinkers (as does their retrograde critical facilities). Then again, maybe they go out of their way to visit sites with opposing views just so they CAN indulge their poisoned hearts, which reinforces my belief that they're vile shitstains as human beings.
C in California
Thanks everyone, for all of this. You guys are great!
Wait, you can grow a dick? Really??!!
I really enjoy the Saturday humor roundup but not at the expense of endless doomscrolling!
Lots of people who care here, Sal. We may not be able to do much record sale wise, but know that we are thinking of you whether you post or not.
Sal, I appreciate what you're contributing to the world and to my personal world. It has meaning and value, even when that's not mirrored monetarily. I understand the discouragement and can only offer my valuing of what you do. Don't know if there's much money there but maybe moving to (or just adding) Substack or Patreon could be a piece of a next step. Hang in there!
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