This is meant to be a helpful update on what is going on here and over at the Now Playing blog.
Burning Wood is what it is.
The sidebars on the left are as follows:
This is a daily song of the day that can be accessed on YouTube by clicking the pic. At the end of the week, the seven songs of the day will be zipped up and posted as a mix every Sunday.
Below the S.O.T.D. is "Shout It Out Loud." This is the chat box where you can share info and ask questions, when it works. Just be polite.
Below the chat box are two recent additions, the Reggae Record Of The Week, which changes every Monday, and the Jazz Record Of The Week, which changes every Friday. These were both implemented by request. I know neither genre goes over well, but my suggestions are there for those interested.
Below the reggae and jazz boxes sits my little reminder that I will buy your vinyl, if you are looking to sell.
The sidebars on the right are as follows:
"Best Thing I Listened To Yesterday" still seems to cause confusion. It is NOT the "BEST" record of all. If I listen to Jethro Tull's "Stand Up" and The Who "Sell Out" in the same day, and "Stand Up" surprises me, it doesn't mean the Tull record is better than The Who record. I listened to the new Liminanas record yesterday and I wasn't expecting to like it as much as I did. But it is NOT a better record than "Rubber Soul." Which brings me to "Now Playing..."
Underneath "Best Thing I Listened To..." is the link for the other blog. "Now Playing" started out as nothing more than me writing down what I listen to everyday. It was just another way to start a conversation. It took some time to take off, and now it has been getting a good number of hits and the occasional comments. Like "The Best Thing," it is NOT me grading records. It's me grading the listening experience. I created a Pete Townshend playlist that consisted of 15 songs that I love, so why did it get four stars instead of five? Maybe the sequencing. Maybe I wasn't in the mood. Who knows? Robert Palmer's "Drive" just came out on vinyl for the first time and man, did it sound great! Four & a half stars! I still like five Robert Palmer albums more. Got it?
Below "Now Playing" is "Today's Cover Version" which is Today's Cover Version. It is supposed to change daily, but more often it is every other day to give everyone a chance to hear it.
Below "Today's Cover Version" is the donate button. Feel free, as I make nothing. Both of these blogs are a labor of love.
Lastly, if you check Burning Wood on your phone or tablet, you might not see the sidebars on the left and right. You need to scroll down to the very bottom of the page and click "view web version."
And dat's dat!
Very informative and useful.
One question I do have, though, is the playlists you embed in BW (IE SOTW) no longer work. I used to be able to download, but now, nada.
Is there something I am not doing correctly? (don't expect you to provide tech support, but just wondering)....:)
daudder, After I publish any post that has a zip file, I immediately check the zip to see if it opens. More times than not, it's probably your browser. I pay a decent amount of money to store all of those zip files so that anyone who downloads, is free of ads and pop ups and puzzles.
Thanks for the reminder on the robust offerings at Burning Wood! But wait, "Today's Cover Version" is...Today's Cover Version? Ok, I'm confused all over again. :) Maybe The Best Thing I Listened To Yesterday could be rechristened "The Music I Enjoyed The Most Yesterday" or "The Music That Hit Me Where I LIve Yesterday" or "The Music I Dug The Most Yesterday (For Whatever Reason and NO, It Doesn't Mean It's "Better" than Album X or Y or Z, It's Just The Album I Vibed On The Most Or I Was In The Mood For or Struck Me Anew So Get Over It Already."
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