A quick perusal of past posts (sorry for spitting) shows that I've featured Honeybus in some capacity no less than five times, each of those times, mentioning Andy Partridge's comment on how he wished he had written the band's hit "I Can't Let Maggie Go." That song is a good one, no question. And so is the follow-up "(Do I Figure) In Your Life." But to be honest, I don't know if I had heard much more of the band before yesterday. I've owned the See For Miles collection "Honeybus At Their Best" for years, and it's quite possible the last time I listened to it was back when it was released in 1989.
Honeybus is fantastic! Apologies if this is old news, but it's new to me.
At their best, Honeybus sounds like Badfinger at their best. Or, maybe it's the other way around. The singles on Deram are beautiful and infectious; baroque pop to rival, at times, The Left Banke, with lush harmonies and enough hooks to snag a flounder.
As wonderful as "I Can't Let Maggie Go" might be, there are much stronger tracks scattered about the collection.
Here are some of them.
I think you might also dig Colin Hare's 1972 solo album March hare
Completely off my chart, so I'm looking forward to giving a listen to those posted and those mentioned in your write-up, when I get off work in about 11 hours. Thanks, ahead of time!
C in California
You haven't listened to Honeybus over and over again? Shame on you. Thousands--if not tens of thousands--of albums are released every year. And the flood of music only grows. Is it really so hard for you to listen to every single album ever released repeatedly so nothing falls through the cracks? Come on! You might start by eliminating sleep -- total waste of time.
The name sounded familiar and sure enough they are one of the bands in the "Come Join My Orchestra" Baroque Rock compilation. I loved "(Do I Figure) In Your Life" but never went past that cut. I checked out "I Can't Let Maggie Go' which I also loved. These other counts sound great as well. I've added the compilation in Apple and look forward to digging in.
Loved listening to these songs! Thanks!
Loved "Do I still Figure...." since I bought a copy of Deram's Hard Up Heroes lp in the 70's. I can recall a whole slew of copies in a bin for 2.97 in my suburban Montreal Record store.
This stuff is right in my wheelhouse but I somehow never heard them until today - despite all the times you posted them before. Not sure how that happened, but better late than never! --Marc
It might be too much for some, but 'She Flies Like a Bird: The Anthology' is one of my favorite CDs.
Okay, that stuff blew my tiny little mind.
What a delightful video for "She's Out There." Great songs. Thanks!
I'm glad you didn't post "I Can't Let Maggie Go" - it's one of those songs that will stick in my head for days and without warning have me belting out the chorus. The lesser known (to me) tracks are fine examples of the 1968/69-ish period that in my mind always seem to have that sunny, hazy, flowery days in the English countryside vibe. Cheers!
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