Saturday, February 1, 2025

Saturday Instagram Photo Dump
























































I am putting the Saturday Dump to rest for a bit. While some of it makes me (and you) laugh, most of it doesn't. Most of it makes me hurt physically.

It's not helping me. 

Every day, I think, it can't get any worse. And then, impossibly, it gets worse. It's a nightmare. And it's only just begun. My day is over before lunch. I am filled daily with disappointment, shock and rage. That this felon, this buffoon, this lowlife, anti-semitic, racist, non-human, misogynist criminal with the IQ of a handball was voted into and allowed back in the White House to carry on dismantling America with no regard for any human life except his own, and not jailed for all of his offenses, is sucking the last bit of life out of me. It's bad.

He has no compassion for the dead or the living. That smug fucking look as he signs order after order as if autographing an 8x10 is sick-making. The INJUSTICE of it all makes my blood boil. It can't be real. How can this be real? You know what really hurts? More than half the country doesn't care. They aren't bothered by it. People that you and I know, aren't bothered by it.

Well, it's wearing me down. I need a break from it...already....just 12 days in. But really, it's more than 12 days. It's years.

"It's a marathon, not a sprint."

No. It's neither. It's a scam.

There. I've said it, and that is the last I'll be saying about all of it. I've got to start living again if it kills me. And if I keep it up, it will kill me. Then, who will write about Todd Rundgren for you?

I will leave you with these words from Leonard Cohen.

"Ring the bells that still can ringForget your perfect offeringThere is a crack in everythingThat's how the light gets in"
And now, back to our regularly scheduled program of music, music, some snark, and more music. 

That is why we are here. 
Thanks for your patience and support.



Anonymous said...

I love the Buddy Rich! Also happy for you to keep BW about music that you love.

- Paul In DK

Ken D said...

This feature will be missed but it's perfectly understandable. You got to be good to yourself first to keep that music, music, snark, and music coming. In fact, why not take Saturdays off—it's a Jewish thing, but what the hell.

buzzbabyjesus said...

It's especially difficult being an optimist these days.

steve simels said...

As I’ve been saying repeatedly, I never expected to be spending my Golden Years in 1934 Nazi Germany 2.0.

Rick said...

Can't blame you, it's all so exhausting and depressing. Loved the EIEIO, though....

Anonymous said...

At some point, karma will arrive on the scene. Late obviously, but brutal. Tremendous damage will have been done, but a fitting end will occur.
Music is a safe haven where we can recharge and rehumanize ourselves. Thanks always for BW.

efredd said...

I thought I was joking to my wife when I said Der Donald would find a way to make a plane tragedy political.
What reality was I in at that moment? Take care of yourself in the days ahead.

pmac said...

These days, everyone needs to figure out their own prescription for what makes you capable of maintaining sanity. There is no one size fits all methodology.

OG said...

It's good you have a support group

Anonymous said...

Even more disheartening: a good chunk of that half of the country are all right with this and would vote for it again tomorrow. Will miss the Saturday dump, but then again, not sure how you could ever top this one.

Look forward to your takedown of the Grammies, should you accept that mission:)

eric said...

It's gonna get worse before it gets worse, but some of these sorry fuckers will drop by the wayside and none of it will go exactly how they wish or imagine. I still think--perhaps foolishly--we see what happens in two years. Based on several examples--Germany, Chile, etc--it could get even worse, it could get better--and then it gets even worse, or we get a break. It is a regime, it is a passel of them, but if you wanna play the political science game some folx are foolish enough to pay me to do, they are not the majority or even (really) a plurality. They are, tip o'the hat to HST, twisted pig fuckers; their time will come*

As for those willingly going along/complicit, I keep mentioning the Moxon riff about folx in Germany who went along with the evil whatever their rationale.

*With sincere apologies to the twisted pig fuckers besmirched.

bumppa said...

Sal, We are with you and will all resist together. Take some time, but you will be back to make us laugh and think.
Remember: A great song bypasses the brain and goes straight to the heart.

Anonymous said...

Gotta say, your meme parade has made a lot of people happy when I share them on, but it's not worth it if it gets you down. Looking forward to more Todd, N'Awlins, and reggae. That wood ain’t gonna burn itself!

Allan Rosenberg said...

Let's just hope it doesn't progress to 1938 Nazi Germany 2.0!

Mr. Baez said...

I will miss the Saturday dump but truly understand why you need a rest from it. You left us with some memorable droppings and I thank you for that, especially the Elie Wiesel quote. I'm glad that I'm a member of the BW support group during these trying times.

Michael Giltz said...

On behalf of handballs, I am offended.

Michael Giltz said...

As Rick says, the Celine Dion joke is wonderful. Lots of funny stuff, but def not worth it mentally. Being a platform for sane, thoughtful, respectful discussion of music is plenty. They hate people being sane, thoughtful and respectful so you'll be doing your part.

M_Sharp said...

A great man once said something like: “The Dump went out on a high note”. I once said: “These would have been a lot funnier six months ago”. If it’s not fun, it’s not worth it. You’re right, it’s very ugly, and disgraceful already.
The trampoline meme was my favorite until the Beatles meme. Thanks for the laughs!

cmealha said...

I can't believe the things that are going on and that are being tolerated. It's erasing decades of progress and people are reveling in the cruelty of it all. It has to implode or we're all doomed. A sign of hope was todays WSJ opinion peace on his idiotic tariffs. Hopefully more and more normal conservatives other than just Liz Cheney will start realizing they've made a deal with the devil and get off the train

Anonymous said...

If it wasn’t for the existence of nuclear weapons I’d be a lot less worried about all of this. But they do exist and a lot of fools the world over have access to them.

Captain Al

Sjm said...

As an Australian, I really feel for you. We are incredulous that Americans in their millions signed up for this craziness. The only light in all of this is that, sadly, this is going to be the wake up call for enough Americans to realise that if you elect idiots, you get bad outcomes. The amount of corruption going on is staggering and America is certainly nowhere near a full democracy anymore.

Rick said...

The Onion: Area Man Forges Ahead In Pursuit Of Numbness With Third Slice Of Pie

Jobe said...

Goddamnit and the fucking spineless Dem's can't find one person to stand up to this idiot and do whatever they can to stop him. And there is plenty they can do example: remember when Tommy Tuberville held up nominations for the military? We don't have one Dem who can do the same?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your excellent blog. It reminds us that there are many Americans who have good taste in music and who are not gullible idiotic fascists.

Anonymous said...

at least someone else see the horror humor of this

Anonymous said...

late to the party, but want to add my gratitude for your blog and insightful writing. You're right, the physical reaction to even the humor is excruciating. Thanks for helping us find a bright spot by keeping in mind the joy music brings.