Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Why Text Messaging, iPods, and Computers Are Good Things

Because when you're sitting around on a cold and rainy night, not feeling your best, you just may get a random text message from a friend that says, "Check out George McCrae's 'I Get Lifted.' It just came on my iPod. It's like Smokey meets The Zombies."

You get up, walk over to your computer, dial it up, and got 3 minutes of joy...just like that.

(Thanks, Zallie Maids)



steve simels said...

An absolutely fricking wonderful song and where has it been all my life? Thanks for posting...

DeepKarma said...

Wow...I mean...WOW. I couldn't download this one fast enough. Feel free to pass along any other random text suggestions you might happen to receive!

charlie c. said...
