Saturday, June 8, 2024

BW's Saturday #22



Shriner said...

I've enjoyed the progression of this band from just an excellent Beatles cover band (basically their first two albums) to writing some catchy certainly-Beatlesque pop songs. Worth checking out, for sure!!

Sal Nunziato said...

I agree with you, re: their progression. Their earliest originals just barely got above novelty. But the unique Beatles cover mash-ups are fantastic and their originals are getting much better. I saw them last night with Steve Conte opening and both were terrific.

steve simels said...

Love those guys!

Anonymous said...

Twenty-Thousand Razor Blades and 96 Tears

Why don't these guys ever make it to the West Coast?


Noam said...

Great tune, not familiar with the band, went down the YouTube rabbit hole...unabashed Beatle-ists, what's not to love? Appreciate the tip, Sal!

Christine said...

The Weeklings have come a long way! Happy for their success, but I do miss just being able to show up at a local bar and see Bob and friends work their magic!