Monday, August 5, 2024

And The Black Crowes Three Times




If memory serves, readers over the years have been divided on The Black Crowes. I know some of you, like me, got on the bus with the first album and never got off. While others have either trashed their derivative stylings as Faces and Pie wannabes, or simply have no feelings at all.

As for me, well, if you wanna sound like the Faces, you should do it at least half as well as the Black Crowes.

That said, their "comeback" record, this year's "Happiness Bastards" has passed my test. Multiple spins and I still love it. Yesterday, I put together a playlist of favorites from their entire career, including a number of non-LP tracks, many of which I think are much better than some of the tracks that made the final cuts.

"Grows A Rose" was a b-side of the "By Your Side" single, from the album of the same name. That album, like the band itself, has divided fans. I think it's their second best after "The Southern Harmony & Musical Companion," while others think it's one of their worst. Until only recently, even Chris Robinson dismissed it, but I think that had more to do with the horrible deal they had with Columbia Records. Robinson has since come around, finally adding some of the tracks into their recent set lists.

Another favorite dates back to their first album, "Shake Your Money Maker." "Waitin' Guilty" was the b-side to "Jealous Again" and has a hook to die for. 

And finally, there is "Exit," still officially unreleased, unless you count the live version on the "Wiser For The Time" set. The first time I heard this track was at the Beacon Theatre in 1995 and it was the highlight of the show. Certainly one of the heaviest tracks the Crowes had given us thus far, sounding more like Led Zeppelin than the Stones or the Faces. It was recorded in 1994, or thereabouts for the aborted "Tall" record, maybe even earlier. I can't be sure.  It didn't turn up on their third release, the overrated stoner mess that is "Amorica," and frustratingly, was ignored again when the band released "The Lost Crowes" in 2006, a 2 CD set of unreleased tracks from the aforementioned "Tall" sessions, as well as tracks from sessions recorded in 1997, in between their strong return to form "Three Snakes & One Charm" and "By Your Side," mentioned above.

I don't expect these three deep cuts to change any minds regarding the Brothers Robinson. But I enjoyed my playlist so much, especially the cuts I don't get to hear as often, I thought maybe you might like these b-sides, as well.


Christine said...

These were all great, in my opinion! Gonna listen to some Black Crowes right now!

kevin m said...

I've always loved TBC. I saw the reunion show a couple of years ago in Dublin and was disappointed and kind of wrote them off. But then they dropped Happiness Bastards earlier this year and I'm back on board. Their Radio City show was really solid; good blend of hits, deep cuts, covers and new songs. Only one real "jam". Curious to see how this chapter of TBC plays out.

dogbreath said...

You're not wrong. Tasty tracks indeed. Never knew about "Exit" so many thanks for that one. Another rare-at-one-time tune is "Miserable" which I love and it always has the opposite effect on me when I play it. Cheers!

Rick From Germany said...

Hi Sal,

just got around to go through your last couple of posts, and man: the one with Dave Rawlings Machine truly is a thing of beauty. I've been following Welch and Rawlings
for a long time now and listening to their music actually
inspired one of my sons to pick up mandolin and banjo.
We got to see them here in Germany around maybe 2010 in Cologne (I think) and they were simply wonderful and I seem to recall warm and welcoming vibes between audience and performer. Great memory.
Sal, unfortunately I can't dispose of my time as freely as I would like to, but I assure you, it is not due to a lack of enthusiasm on my part, because I think your posts
are always interesting and very often eye(and ear)opening
and once your book is out, I'll be the first one to bang the gong for it over here. You do great work.

All the best to you and all your relations and to everybody reading this, too.

Anonymous said...

Well, now, this is part of the allure of this site, to me. I don't like the Crowes, and didn't from the get-go, but I'm such a music geek that I constantly look to have my mind changed on stuff I pass on cuz I HATE to miss out on something that I might just get THIS ONE TIME. So I'm looking forward to hearing these.
C in California

JD said...

Thanks - these are all awesome cuts, but Exit is truly incredible.

Guy Incognito said...

I very much enjoy The Black Crowes, and am looking forward to cranking these up on my road trip tomorrow. Thanks!!

steve simels said...

Late to the party but I gotta say -- I don't get the Black Crowes. Never did.

ken49 said...

I too have become a somewhat late to the party fan of the Crowes

Noel M said...

Cool cuts. And I'd love to hear your Crowes mix sometime if it were to appear here!

Anonymous said...

Wow! How did I miss this? I flipped out. It's like I woke up and it's two days later!

I've been on the Magpie board since the beginning and I love this band to this day. Anyone, and there are many, who says they are Faces and Humble Pie wannabe's only exposes their ignorance. These guys have done their homework. They have a love of roots-based music and have made it into something of their own. I love 'em and their offshoots. They're a fun band to collect and a fantastic band live. I never miss a show when they hit the southwest. From Phoenix to Vegas to San Diego to L.A. to Bakersfield to Santa Barbara and all points inbetween, I have never missed a show. They always keep it interesting with few exceptions. Was at the Foamfoot show at the Troub too. Marc Ford, post Crowes, and after he cleaned up. had loose jam sessions with a varying cast of musicians at the Malibu Inn. Amazing people would guest. When he was free, Chris would sit in. It was a cool time. I went as often as I could, but these sessions were pretty spontaneous and off the cuff. So I heard about some after the fact.

I gotta disagree with Sal on "By Your Side." Initially, I loved it. I was driving around in my car up the Coast Highway with my top down and the Crowes blaring when I first listened. The Crowes were back! I had just visited an old friend in Hollywood who used to write for Tiger Beat in the 1960's. We had both been denizens of the strip back in the day. I was showing her about 50 11x14 Chuck Boyd photos that turned up at an estate sale in the ritzy part of Pasadena. It was like a portfolio of who's who in rock between 1965 and 1973. Before I left, she gave me an advance copy of "By Your Side." I was heading to a photographer's house and couldn't wait to turn him on to it and show him the photos I had. The album hit me right away. Problem was that after a week or two it kinda wore off for me. Over time, I found myself playing it less frequently than their other albums. But the first time I heard it the rush was undeniable.

I like all of their albums. Some you have to spend a little time with to fully appreciate. Often those are the ones that end up being more enduring. Different strokes. I never disliked “Amorica.” Being as it was a departure from the first two, it took a little while to sink in. My initial snap judgement on "Three Snakes" wasn't positive either. But I've come to like it quite a bit.

I love that they treat their fans to a never-ending catalog of cover tunes and no two shows are alike. The only shows I've attended that were slightly disappointing were the ones they co-headlined with Lenny Kravitz. The co-bill cut their set time down. They were fine really. But I can't stand Lenny Kravitz. The last thing I wanted to hear and see was that jackass endlessly walking up the aisles singing "Let Love Rule. He's a poseur.

Not that I set out to do it, but I’ve been in social settings with Chris. It wasn’t like meet and greet type shit. I’d heard a lot about him, both good and bad, but he was always pleasant and funny when I was around. There was no sexual vibe going either way. It was comfortable and friendly. I had an impromptu dinner with him, just the two of us. That was the most fun I had with the guy. There was never a dull moment. Another time I met him at a dope dealer’s house. And a few more times. It’s too much to write.


P.S. If you like the Crowes’ cover tunes, you gotta download the Cover Me In Good Dream multi disc comp, It’s free and great for fans.