Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Ringo From The Dingle


I'd spend good money for a book with nothing but Lemmy's one paragraph descriptions of every rock band and artist


zillagord said...

My Friend Ringo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBPRZdNjpaI

steve simels said...

I have a sort of gut feeling that Lemmy is, as Don Henley said of Joe Walsh, an interesting couple of guys. 😎

Chris Collins said...

Ringo got a lot of flack for saying that "Straight Outta Compton" reminded him of his own childhood. But he probably wasn't far off.

Anonymous said...

Hilarious! And I know you would!

Anonymous said...

I always figured Ringo to be a badass mutherfucker.


Anonymous said...


Noel M said...

Great post - agreed!

hpunch said...

Lemmy explains this theory perfectly in that documentary on him ( this might be a quote from the film). He also goes on the explain how the Stones were posh university students pretending to be tough guys, but the Beatles, whose image was squeaky clean, were the real hard guys.

Anonymous said...

Lemmy is biased as he only seemed to appreciate bands with working class backgrounds like his. He hated the Stones because it looks they were posing as proletarians and weren't. Not much of an opinion based on musical merits if you ask me. Don't forget social classes were and still are, for better or worse, paramount in Britain.

Christine said...

Okay, so maybe I didn't need to hate Lemmy all these years.