Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Two For Tuesday: Radio Birdman


I don't know about you, but I definitely don't listen to Radio Birdman as often as I should. 


steve simels said...

I’d forgotten those guys. Fabulous stuff…….

Anonymous said...

Great band, thanks for mentioning them. Don't forget the Living Eye LP which is equally as good as Radios Appear not to mention the Australian version of RA with a completely different mix and some different tracks. Unfortunately, they were short lived (as a band) despite a couple of reformation albums.
As far as tough Australian punk cum high energy late 70's and 80's bands are concerned, you can't miss the first three Saints albums: I'm stranded, Eternally yours and Prehistoric sounds.
Celibate Rifles were great too (Sideroxylon, Mina Mina, Roman Beach Party, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang). I would also recommend Explosive White Mice (A Nest of Vipers, Brute Force and Ignorance) and New Christs (including RB singer Rob Younger) with LP's like Divine Rites, Detritus or Distemper.

Anonymous said...

Saw them about 20 years ago. They put on a great rock and roll show. Radios Appear is a winner!

- Paul in DK

Michael Giltz said...

I don't know about you but I've never heard of Radio Birdman. Thx!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous above meant Exploding White Mice, and let me second his/her endorsement of those early Saints albums (tho the later-period Saints' 'All Fools Day' is my favorite by them). If I had to try and sell anyone on raw Aussie 70s greatness, tho, I'd absolutely insist they listen to Bad Dreems 'My Only Friend' and Rocks' 'Migraine Headache'. If you can brave 16 minutes of guitar fury, try Coloured Balls' 'GOD' from 1973.
C in California

jonder said...

I was very fortunate to see Radio Birdman when they toured the US to support their reunion album, Zeno Beach. I think that was their only reunion record (other than live sets). Instead of appearing from a backstage dressing room, Deniz Tek (who is a flight surgeon as well as an amazing guitarist) strode through the crowd and stepped onto the stage. So unassuming, and yet so badass.

There's a Birdman documentary which is well worth watching, although disputes among bandmates are always disappointing to hear about.

Anonymous said...

I have relatives that live in Australia. Their family was spread out from Tasmania to Melbourne to Sydney to Gold Coast. I would visit at least once a year. Especially , my cousins John and Jeffrey who lived in Gold Coast. In the 70's when Sandy and I traveled together,

Anonymous said...

Sha da do wop, da shaman do way, we like Birdman.

Got relatives scattered all over OZ. In the 70's, Sandy and I would visit at least once a year, timing our trips with surf seasons. One of my relatives, who had earlier turned me on to Bon & the boys, gave me a copy of Burn My Eye. It made me happy. Enough for me to buy everything they did. Good choice of songs, Sal. The live and studio boots are also enjoyable. I'd also recommend off shoot band, New Race and their album, First and Last. Features Younger, Tek, Gilbert joined by Ron Asheton and Dennis Thompson. Live, Birdman will furiously rough and raw you till you're sore. And loose. Maximum decibels please. And no headphone cop out. Rock the walls like Jericho. Feel the joyful noise get under your hood.

Radios Appear is the best. It picks you up and puts you in the back seat.