Sunday, September 8, 2024

Songs Of The Week, 2024: 8/31-9/6


Rock And Roll Queen- Mott The Hoople
Love Me Tonight- Tom Jones
Every Time I See Her- Dave Edmunds
Salt Lick- ZZ Top
Long Time Woman- Pam Grier
Streets Of Bakersfield- Buck Owens
Seeland- Neu


I was reading about this 60 year feud between Tom Jones and Engelbert Humperdinck the other day. It's still going on, with Tom most recently commenting about Eng, "Once a c**t, always a c**t." I listened to Englebert last week. I enjoy a number of his 60's singles. Tom's catalog goes deeper, but I went with the hit "Love Me Tonight."

That ZZ Top record blew me away when I first heard it. I still can't believe it's them, and boy does it sound good setting up that Pam Grier.

Try to get lost in that Neu closer. It's a beautiful piece of music.



Noel M said...

Looking forward to this! I never really appreciated Tom Jones in years gone by, but seeing clips of him with soul music stars on Jones' TV show from the 70s made me appreciate him much more.

Mr. Baez said...

Tom Jones is still a powerhouse. Saw him a couple of years ago opening up for Morrissey. What a pair of pipes!
RIP Sergio Mendes. Thank you for the years of beautiful music.

Anonymous said...

I love Salt Lick, too - sorta garage-y.

I've always been curious to hear some Neu - now I have, great tune, quite a groover!

Another great mix, thanks!


Michael Giltz said...

If you're looking for more Neu, check out their great album "1975!" I just got into them and that's a terrific one.

Michael Giltz said...

I def prefer Tom Jones over Engelbert (who has a solid greatest hits set in him but not much more). But Engelbert lives forever thanks to Eddie Izzard's brilliant stand-up bit about him. (Google it if you've never heard. Priceless.)

Anonymous said...

I believe Salt Lick (and its B-side Miller's Farm) pre-date Dusty and Frank being in ZZ Top, which is why it's more akin to Billy's Moving Sidewalks, whose version of I Wanna Hold Your Hand is mind-blowing.
C in California

Sean Clinchy said...

Re: Tom Jones:

Anonymous said...

If you enjoyed ‘Seeland’ and followed @Michael Glitz’ above recommendation re: Neu! 75. If you especially loved the first side which is guitarist Michael Rother’s side, you might also enjoy his side project Harmonia with the German band Cluster. I’d suggest their second album Deluxe which was recorded in 1975 to start. Some reviewers consider this more of a Rother solo album. Accordingly, it sounds very similar to ‘Seeland’ and that first side of 75.
The first album, Musik Von Harmonia from 1974, is outstanding as well.
Just like Neu! (And the VU), more influential than commercially successful. Eno would later work with the band. And Bowie certainly was a fan and you can hear it his Berlin trilogy.

Astraworks released the 3 classic Neu! albums on CD around Y2K and I bought all three on first sight without ever hearing a note. Such was their reputation. I was absolutely rewarded for doing so.

There’s a roadtrip, expressway playlist within those albums that will only result in speeding tickets, but what a ride. Very similar to weaving thru late night freeway traffic listening to Moby’s version of ‘New Dawn Fades’ while reenacting the scene from the movie ‘Heat’. (I recognize that Joy Division’s Unknown Pleasure is next on that late night ride). :)

I think Engelbert’s ‘A Man Without Love’ is played during the extended version of ‘The Fall Guy’. It was pretty cool.

All the above seem to be available via streaming.
Thanks for letting me play :)