Tuesday, September 26, 2017

New Who Track?

I needed to listen to "It's Hard," the Who's 1982 release and last with Kenney Jones, for business reasons. "Athena," the opening track and first single, still made me wince, just like it did in 1982 and the few more unfortunate times I've heard it since.  But by the end of Side One, which closes with the now classic "Eminence Front," I was gliding around like I had just heard five lost Who classics.

Now, before you think this is going to be some revelation that ends with this writer heaping praise and adulation on what has been known as a stinker for 35 years, don't you worry. "It's Hard" isn't a great record, though Rolling Stone did give it 5 stars back in the day. (What is wrong with them?) Side Two doesn't quite hold up as well as Side One.  I'll tell you this, though, "It's Hard" is a lot better than "Face Dances" and for the three Entwistle tracks alone, you need to give this record a new spin.

Check out "It's Your Turn" up top. This track would not have been out of place on "Quadrophenia."

As of 9/26/17, "It's Hard" is no longer the worst record by The Who in this household.


buzzbabyjesus said...

Not terrible at all.

cmealha said...

So which one is now the worst?

Bill said...

I always liked the production on this album--felt closer to that tougher Who sound.

While it's not my favorite song, I do have a softer spot in my heart for Athena. Back in the days before the Internet, a young fan had to get tickets in a different way to see their favorite band. This first time I saw the Who in 1979 in Pittsburgh, tickets were done through a mail order lottery. For the It's Hard tour, no mail order--you had to wait in line to get tickets. So, my buddies and I camped out with many other Who fans in front of the Civic Arena. Someone had a boom box tuned in tot he local rock station, and somewhere in the middle of the night the DJ played Athena for those hardcore fans waiting for Who tickets.

Sal, you make a good point--this song could fit in beautifully on Quadrophenia.

I know what album I'm listening to on my commute home tonight...

Anonymous said...

You know what else doesn't suck? "Endless Wire."

Naz Fride said...

This album produced by Glyn Johns, so it was a conscious effort to get back to the classic 70's Who sound.

Anonymous said...

Are we allowed to disagree with you?

Sal Nunziato said...

Sure, you can disagree, especially anonymously.

Peter Ames Carlin said...

I like "Athena," mostly for the lovely interchange between Daltrey on the verses and Townshend on the choruses. "Eminence Front" is a cool tune (my favorite version is the soundcheck performance seen in the MTV video from back then...it has the most killer Pete T guitar fills) but from there....dragons be. The other songs sound forced to me. My recollection of Townshend interviews from that year is him talking about how he had no idea what to write songs about so he asked the other guys what were on their minds and, lo, they were all really opposed to war. Who knew? From this revelation came "I've Known No War," which I really wanted to believe was a great track that fall (I was a college sophomore...35 years ago!!!) but even then I had to squint to see it that way.

So I can't get there with you on "It's Hard." But you know what IS a fucking fantastic Who album? Townshend's solo "All the Best Cowboys Have Chinese Eyes." Townshend didn't have to ask anyone what to write about on that one...the tunes are quirky and cool and so, so full of life and angst and pain and ecstasy. "Stardom in Acton"!! "The Sea Refuses No River"!!! "Uniforms" !!!! Why didn't he put the boys on those tracks? that'd be a classic Who album, for damn sure.