Anybody out there?
Since Monday, this blog has gotten over 1500 recorded hits on just this week's posts. There are exactly 18 comments. Yesterday's post alone has over 400 hits and only one comment. The Weekend Mix has 140 downloads and 8 comments.
I get hundreds of hits and rarely any comments................... I am off grid these days about three weeks a month so I'm not around much anymore but I'm here and I appreciate it. Have a good one
been really sick Sal
Not a single comment I've posted in the last 3 weeks has shown up, including my list of songs that make me cry. Your work is always appreciated.
fair and my apologies--love this place, love the posts, love most all of the music...
Oh sure, activate my guilt gland. You're right of course. I've been a frequent visitor for quite a while and I don't know if I've ever dropped a comment. I've down-loaded several mixes and for the most part they're interesting. Sometimes though it seems you're trying to be deliberately esoteric. Anyway, this long-time music obsessive Thanks you. I'll try to think of something to say more often
Grim Reefer,
Thanks for the kind words. But, have you been reading my blog? "Deliberately esoteric?" My mission statement is to be the complete opposite of that. I'd be really interested in knowing what you think was deliberately esoteric. Certainly not my Hall and Oates or Cheap trick posts. Or my two dozen posts about the Beatles and Paul McCartney. Hey wait a minute. Maybe that's why no one comments.
everyone is shy
I'm seeing 12 comments on the "You Too Can Be an A&R Guy" post (one of them was mine), and the same number for the Weekend Mix. Are you seeing different numbers?
I do understand the frustration, though, because I've seen how much work, and heart, you put into this blog. I appreciate it. And please ignore the "esoteric" comment -- I love the fact that you try to introduce people to a famous artist's lesser-known work. I don't need a blog for the obvious classics - if I don't already own them, I can hear them on the radio, somewhere on SiriusXM. I read music blogs so I can learn about new (or new to me) music, from someone whose taste I respect.
I post my own mixes on another blog, and I maybe get one comment per mix...
A troll (repeatedly) insulted what a couple of people have been posting recently, and the place blew up with comments!
In business they say a satisfied customer will tell 2-3 people, and an unsatisfied customer will tell 8-10! Maybe that's what's afoot--you do too good and consistent a job. You should let some people down! ;)
I feel like people are getting more and more negative in general, and the internet is where people feel most free to spew it.
Yer Fan,
I left at least one comment this week that did not turn up in the blogs comments.
Wish I remembered what it was, I'd leave it here right now.
Captain Al
I'm afraid we're in a state of shock with the week's developments.
Luckily, Burning Wood is one of the positive ones.
Keep on chooglin'...whatever that is..
Yeah, I thought I commented earlier on this and it didn't go through? Maybe I didn't actually publish it?
I'm sure it was brilliant and insightful as always.
But Mac OS 10.13 came out this week so I'm in the weeds with it..
This is the only blog I've ever commented on, ever, anywhere. I read it every day, even on the weekends in the vain hope that you post on a weekend someday. I think most people don't even think to comment, they just want to read the blog post itself, like me. This is also the only blog where I ever, and I mean EVER, read the comments. It's no offense to anyone at all to say the comments, including mine, never equal the quality of your writing and wit, but they're still interesting when you invite interesting ideas from readers, so then I dip in.
Participation makes it more fun.
I'm always here, sometimes a few days late though. A lot more family/personal stuff, longer commute to work, allowing myself to get far too distracted by politics has cut into my spare time this year. Next year should be easier. I finally got last week's mix and am looking forward to listening to it. I made my donation, I always appreciate what you do here. Thank you!
I too visit EVERY day. Occasionally comment but much more often find that my point has already been made, far more articulately (see!) than I could ever do. As for lists, by the time my obsessive nature has figured out what I want to share, the rest of the world has moved on.
I'll try and do better, because I really value this site, this community and you, Sal.
PS: I'm not a robot. That captcha always takes a lot of convincing, and must discourage many potential commenters.
I think I may have been guilty of being "deliberately esoteric" a couple times.
Thats an interesting statistic re number of d/l v number of comments... and I usually do not d/l the mix and comment unless there is something there that really grabs me... but perhaps I should and be more challenged! After I have listened to the couple of music podcasts and any other new stuff and revisited some old stuff there ain't much time left.
Anywhoo, keep on doing what you are doing. We do appreciate it, even if we don't say so! Cheers.
I knew it had to be you, BBJ, when I read "deliberately esoteric." But also, you nailed it. I'm not looking for pats on the back. It's simply a lot more fun when people talk about the music I post. Just seemed unusually quiet these past few weeks. I may have to post more Todd Rundgren.
Could be worse.....
Some folks are just not prone to leaving comments. Your blog is much appreciated and your vast store of musical knowledge is important.
I would comment more, but I have commented three times in the past, and not one was posted. Go figure.
Bing Stills-i'm sorry to hear that. But I can assure you unless it was an abusive comment, I post everything that I see. There is a good chance that blogger just didn't get it to me.
I believe I always say thanks if I download something and even occasionally attempt to verbalize a comment or make a stab at pithy humour. (So that's two fails then - Ed). Other times I follow that Tom Mix quote you posted a while ago about never missing a good opportunity to shut up! The blog is much appreciated, if silently at times, as the above comments would support.
My Weekend Mixes have had similar statistics. One time I got none until I wrote one myself anonymously just to quiet the crickets.
Your blog is awesome - a daily stop-in for me - and I appreciate all you do. I agree - comment a bit more, folks! I appreciate everything on here, and you cain't post too much about Todd Rundgren for me, anyway. And BBJ, your esotericness is much appreciated too by these ears.
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